you choose to stay on with us, it will be as a free woman and we will pay you a fair wage for fair work. Are we understood?”
The girl nodded, and tears spilled down her thin face.
* * * *
The house servants had done their best to piece together an outfit for Kadlin. Even if Ginna’s fine gowns had fit her, she could not have brought herself to wear one. In the end, they had settled on a simple tunic and apron dress borrowed from one of the staff. They had adorned it with jewelry that had belonged to Arn’s late wife and decorated Kadlin’s hair with a wreath of wildflowers. She looked at her reflection and couldn’t help but laugh. The left side of her face was bruised, and her eye swollen shut. The poultice over the cut at her temple had dried and looked like a puffy, brown caterpillar. She thought her injuries nicely matched the purple lavender in her hair and wondered if this estate had ever seen a lady of her likes.
On their way to the dining hall, Kadlin took in the artwork that hung on the walls. Many of the pieces were from foreign lands and were created in materials ranging from wool to bronze, but most of them featured majestic birds. No doubt they’d been chosen for the lord of the manor, Arn— the eagle.
The savory aroma of roasted meat wafted down the corridor, and Kadlin’s stomach groaned. The hour was closer to breakfast than to dinner, and she was grateful for the late-night efforts of whichever cook had worked to prepare their meal. A long sideboard was mounded with food, but Kadlin’s mouth was so raw she thought she might settle for the broth and soft vegetables of the stew.
Arn sat at the head of the table, and Bjorn was at the place to his right. The two men were huddled in conversation, and it was Bjorn who saw her first. A smile crossed over his handsome face as he rose to embrace her.
“Come, sit next to me, wife.”
Arn grabbed her wrist. “No, son, I shall enjoy my daughter-in-law’s company beside me.” Bjorn’s brow wrinkled, and he looked as if he were about to protest, but Kadlin intervened.
“Perhaps your father wishes to look upon the half of my face that appears like a lady rather than the one that is more like a warrior.” Arn let out a hearty laugh, and the sound of it warmed Kadlin. She smiled up at him and took her place across from her husband.
The men feasted on mutton and roasted vegetables, heavy brown bread and sweet honey cakes, while Kadlin picked at the softest things. Their cups were kept full, and warmth spread through Kadlin’s body as the mead worked its magic. Her aches began to fade and wanton thoughts flitted through her mind. When they’d finished their meal, bowls of water were set before them, and while Kadlin washed the grease from her fingers, she glanced across the table. Bjorn winked at her, and the corner of his mouth jerked up in the familiar grin that left no doubt as to his intent. A tingle gathered between Kadlin’s thighs, and she felt a lusty blush creep across her chest and face.
Kadlin could think of nothing but being alone with her handsome Viking, but the two men had much to discuss. She sat patiently and listened while they went over the details of their future at the estate. Her husband’s title as heir would have to be restored in a public forum, but Arn assured him that it was just a formality. It was agreed that the ceremony would include an official change of name. Her husband would now be known as Bjorn who was Leif . Kadlin was relieved that she would not have to call him by another name. After the installation ceremonies, Bjorn would share many duties with his father. The first would be to preside over the execution of the traitors.
When their business had been concluded and the table cleared, Arn sat back and said, “What shall we do tomorrow, dear ones? Perhaps a tour of the estate?”
Kadlin reached out and touched her father-in-law’s arm. “I should like to see my son.”
Arn covered her hand with his own.
Thomas Wharton
R.T. Carpenter
Loretta Chase
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Mindy Starns Clark, Leslie Gould
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Jennifer Campbell