Rescuing Kadlin

Rescuing Kadlin by Gabrielle Holly Page B

Book: Rescuing Kadlin by Gabrielle Holly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabrielle Holly
Tags: Historical Erotic Romance
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“That, daughter, is a wish I can understand.”
    * * * *
    It was decided that Ginna and Rowyn’s execution would be delayed for another week to allow Bjorn and Kadlin time to return to the farm, attend to the transfer of ownership then bring Hjortr back to meet his grandfather. They would ride in the morning, and their journey back would be much more comfortable than the one there had been. They would be able to travel in the open, along good, wide roads and would be accompanied by six of Arn’s men, who would protect them and help carry back whatever they wished.
    Once back at the farm, Bjorn would divide his majority share among the other three couples, and in exchange, they would repay him with a small profit over each of the next ten years. The thought of leaving the home she’d grown to love and starting a new life in a strange place worried Kadlin but excited her, as well. She was most concerned about her husband giving up what he had worked so hard to build.
    “Are you sure this is what you want, Bjorn?” she asked as they walked back to their chamber.
    He squeezed her hand. “It is my duty, Kadlin. But, yes, it is also what I want.”
    “I will miss them—the others,” Kadlin mused.
    Bjorn stopped and turned to her. “We are not saying goodbye to our friends. They will be welcome here always. They will be our guests at feasts. The land is rich, and they will be able to hire helpers to look after the farm when they come to visit.” He smiled down at her, and she nodded her agreement.
    He hugged her close then bent to whisper in her ear. “And now, little imp, you and I have a matter to attend to. I thought I was clear that you were to be a good prisoner and not cross that viper until I returned. And I can see by the state of your face that you, once again, disobeyed me. While you were bathing, the girl Beatrice told me that our careful plan had to be altered when you goaded Ginna into attacking you. You know you will have to be punished.”
    A flush of anticipation spread over Kadlin’s body and settled in her sex with a hot, wet rush. “I understand,” she gasped. Without another word, Bjorn bent until his shoulder was pressed against her belly then stood, slinging her over his back. He stomped to their chamber and slammed the door behind him then set her on her feet facing the bed. Leaning back against the huge, carved bedpost, he crossed his arms over his chest and looked her over for a long moment, as if considering a suitable punishment.
    “What am I to do with you, my sharp-tongued imp?” he mused. Kadlin’s breath quavered as she struggled to hold his gaze, and she almost cried out when he grinned back at her. “What’s this—no impudent comments?” he teased. “We shall have to see if my hand on your sweet backside will loosen your tongue.” The prospect thrilled her, and this time, she could not hold back her expectant moan.
    “Bare yourself to me, wife,” he commanded, and her hands shook when she did as she was told. She stood naked before him, and it was as if she could feel the heat of his gaze on her body. Her breasts ached as the nipples puckered into hard beads, and her juices flowed onto her thighs. She dared not move and longed for him to release her. Finally, he disrobed, positioned himself at the very edge of the bed, spread his knees apart, then held out his hand.
    “Come and take your punishment, my love,” he said, and Kadlin heard that he too was breathless.
    She could not take her eyes from the thick erection rising from his lap and felt as though her knees would buckle as she crossed to him. He bent her over his lap then laid his forearm across her shoulders.
    “Stretch out your arms, imp,” he whispered, and she dutifully slid her hands into the furs and grabbed hold. Her sex was damp and throbbing in anticipation, and she wanted to grind her thighs together but knew she must keep still.
    Bjorn stroked her backside, and his touch flamed her desire. “Do you

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