Resilience (Warner's World Book 6)
Jim had just offered. After a while she looked at Jim and said “OK let me ponder that overnight.”
    “All right but best to respond soon, right?”
    “OK” said Ginty and she stood up. She got to the door and turned back and said “Thanks.” Jim nodded.

Chapter 27. Resolute over Q2 0630, 12 September
    Ginty woke up still fatigued. She had gone to sleep wrestling with herself over whether or not to agree to her mother having a power of attorney or not. It had opened up a can of worms she had been trying to forget existed. She knew she would have to make a decision today or get no rest from her superiors over the issue.
    It was completely dark in her cabin. She rolled over onto her side to see the blue flashing light on her communicator. Intrigued, she picked it up and rolled back onto her back. It was a message in from her father.
    ‘Bumkin, sorry for not messaging you of late but as you should know by now I’ve not been well. The treatment they had me under knocked me around a lot. I wasn’t really up to doing anything. But I’m off that now, so I promise I’ll get back to writing you more regularly.’
    ‘Anyway the prognosis for me is not good. There may be some hope with a new drug they’re developing but it may not be ready in time. I don’t want you to worry about me. You have enough on your plate as it is.’
    ‘You were on the news here yesterday. Rollinium. You make me so proud. I know I didn’t want you to join the marines. But right now there is no one more proud to have his daughter doing what you are doing.’
    ‘On a practical matter though, I know I promised not to talk about your mother. But right now I need to. She has been looking after me this last month, when I was pretty down with all that treatment. She has been good to me. She’s off the drugs. Has been for five years, she told me. I only wish she had contacted me then. But that’s water under the bridge now.’
    ‘I do need her to look after me. You can’t be here, of course. You have more important duties at the moment. So I need Anne here. There will come a time when I won’t be able to do certain things and make certain decisions….you know what I’m talking about. She needs to be able to speak up on my behalf. She needs to have that power of attorney.’
    ‘Don’t worry. I’ve set up a trust for you. There’s not a lot but you will be looked after. Please sign off on this. I know your feelings towards her but you have to put them aside. She needs to do this for me. It’s her karma, her way of atoning. I can’t deny her that and I really need her now too. So please do this for your old man.’
    ‘Love, Dad.’
    Ginty reached for a tissue to wipe away the tear that ran down her cheek. ‘He’s forgiven her’ she thought. ‘Can I?’ she asked herself.
    She got up and went to the ensuite. A couple of minutes later as she stared at her newly washed face in the mirror she said “I need to, don’t I?” she asked herself out loud. She gave herself a nod.

Chapter 28. Aspliar over Nilsun2 0800, 12 September
    The weak Nilsun sun still managed to cast enough light for the born again Meeka Sallusam’s ladar to detect the arrival of the ships. These were just the beginning, the advance guard of the 4 th RIF. More would follow.
    He received the hail from the incoming ships and was soon talking with his old comrade in arms and former lover, Admiral Haina Letnus. “Meeka you old bastard” she said in her hearty greeting.
    “Haina my love.”
    “Where’s Julsian?” she asked referring to Julsian Dovorst, commander of the 11 th Endosian Division.     
    “He won’t arrive for a few days yet.”
    “So we have time to catch up. How nice!” she said with a decided leer in her voice. “Your ship or mine?” she teased.
    “Yours is much bigger than mine” said Meeka, enjoying the repartee.
    “Nah” she said “yours is more private. I’ll be over soon my lover.”
    “I have to warn you though that

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