Resilience (Warner's World Book 6)
She could tell that he was really annoyed but she wasn’t focussing on that. She didn’t speak. Her mind was running in overdrive and the mental cogs clicked into alignment as she came to the conclusion. “They’ve started!” is all she said. “Shit!”
    “Who are you talking about?” demanded Veego.
    “The people who want you dead. You wanted proof, well this is it. You are being summoned back to meet your fate Admiral. Are you going to comply like a lamb being led to the slaughter or are you going to stand up and be counted amongst those who are going to put a stop to all this?”
    There was silence for almost a minute. Finally Angina asked “Admiral?”
    “All right” replied Veego in a soft voice. “What do you want?”
    “We’ll be at your place within the hour.” She hung up and immediately began texting a secure message to her deputy, Jebna Diljet. There was a trace of anxiety in her fingers as she typed for she feared this warning may arrive too late. One thing was clear though, the time for pontification was over.
    “Come Marra. There is so much to do.”

Chapter 23. Resolute over Q2 2100, 10 September
    Ginty was in her cabin. She had retired there early. She needed time to think. The news that her father was dying of some weird cancer they had no name for had hit her like a train. ‘It’s so not fair’ she said to herself as she sat at her small desk, on which rested the ePaper she had taken earlier. The words on the ePaper stared back up at her taunting her judgements about her mother.
    The thought that her mother would commit to caring for her dad was so at odds with the picture of the woman she had come to hate. All day she had refused to countenance or give creed to this inconvenient truth. But the fact that her mother had obviously gone to Fleet HQ to force this issue was one fact she could not ignore any longer.
    She felt a welling of moisture in her eyes as she realised she had been clinging onto this image of her evil mother. She had been the one devoid of virtue, devoid of caring and devoid of love for her only child. That was the story Ginty had told herself all these years. It was the only story which satisfied her sanity. ‘But now this?’ she asked herself.
    Part of her though was not prepared to let go of her hate and this part turned the ePaper over on the desk and asked ‘What’s her angle?’

Chapter 24. Cornucopia to Polaris 0815, 11 September
    Charles swallowed his marmalade toast and asked Merry “So what’s your story?”
    “Story? Not much of a story if the truth be known” replied Merry, her fork and knife poised to dissect a piece of bacon on her plate. “Ooh…born and bred on Polaris, Kentucket actually. Wanted to be a doctor since I was twelve. Became a doctor, did my internship in Nova Vista, signed up three years ago.” She brought the bacon to her mouth while keeping her eyes on Charles.
    “So, no-one special?” he asked tentatively, while she munched away.
    She smiled knowingly after swallowing her bacon. “Not any more. This” she said waving her fork around “kills off any relationship.”
    “That’s sad.”
    “There’s the odd fling” she said with wry humour.
    “I’m pleased to hear that.”
    She just grinned at him and he grinned back.

Chapter 25. IRS Batlasan to Qwantum 1100, 11 September
    Rogan Admiral Puros Titlun was an old school Imperialist from a first tier family. His mother had been an Admiral and his grandfather before that. For twenty five years he had been defending and expanding imperialism throughout the galaxy. He lived, breathed and would probably die for it. It was in every drop of his blood.
    He had received the order, for his 1 st RIF to secure Qwantum, like he had so many other orders with calm acceptance. It was after all his role to enforce the rule of imperialism. He was not perturbed at all with the list of associated tasks. He understood all too well the need to punish those who had supported the Resistance

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