Resisting the Billionaire

Resisting the Billionaire by C. C. Snow

Book: Resisting the Billionaire by C. C. Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. C. Snow
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ourselves with our food, but she was soon back on the hunt for information.
    “He’s demanding, but I wouldn’t call him unreasonable. I
guess he’s like any other high-power CEO. I haven’t been yelled at so far,” I
    “Hmm…doesn’t sound too bad.” She seemed let down by the lack
of drama.
    I decided to throw her a tidbit. “The office manager is a
pain in the patootie .”
    Perking up, she propped her chin in her palm. “Really? Is
she the pretty blonde with the skinny body?”
    “Yeah. Alana Latham. She hates me.” I got a visceral chill
when I walked by her desk.
    Rearing back in offense, Jamie demanded, “Why the hell would
she hate you?” Her indignation on my behalf made me smile.
    I shrugged, truly puzzled by the other woman’s animosity. “I
have no idea. I tried to be nice.” I described the incident with the pastry.
    Jamie made a clicking sound in the back of her throat. “Ugh.
Rude! Besides, you have a sexpot body going for you. Men find curves
irresistible on a woman.”
    Making a face to show my skepticism, I brushed her
compliment aside. “I’m willing to put up with a lot of things, but that was the
last straw. Anyone who throws away a chocolate croissant has no redeeming
qualities as far as I’m concerned.”
    Jamie laughed and nodded in agreement with my assessment.
    “We’re at an icy stalemate. We only deal with each other
when absolutely necessary. Unfortunately for me, I have to interact with her
more than I would like since she essentially runs the executive floor.”
    “Talk about the snake in your paradise! She’s probably just
jealous she didn’t get the job. I’d bet she applied for the EA position.”
    “I didn’t even think of that!” It certainly would explain a
    “Girl, if I didn’t like you so much, I’d be pea green with
envy too! As it is, I’m merely seasick green.” She grinned to show she wasn’t
serious. “Spending the day next to dreamy Jake Weston is every girl’s fantasy.
Is he as hot in person as he is in the tabloids?”
    I fought the blush threatening to paint my cheeks.
    Yes! Sizzling hot. Hot
enough to melt a girl’s panties. Hot enough to fry my brain cells.
    To my dismay, the attraction I felt during our first meeting
was only growing. The more time I spent with Jake, the more my body rebelled
against my brain. I buzzed with energy whenever he was in the vicinity. I had
never had this type of physical reaction to a man. It was unnerving, especially
since I wasn’t sure I even liked him.
    And it galled me that I now understood how his ex-EAs felt. But
I was determined to hide my errant feelings at all costs. There was more at
stake than just my job. There were my future plans and most of all, my dignity.
The image of Jake firing me for having a crush on him made my stomach turn.
    I dropped my eyes. “He’s pretty good looking. There are some
good genes in his family. Have you seen his brother, Troy?”
    My diversionary tactic worked because Jamie eyes glazed over
as she stared dreamily off into space.
    “Yes, Troy Weston is a hunk too.” She sighed gustily before
she blinked and came out of her trance. “Too bad they’re both players. Troy
just broke up with some Broadway star and I heard Jake is dating the Brazilian
supermodel, Carolina Oliveira. Have you seen her yet?”
    Something pinched inside my chest. “Not yet. Is she the one on
the cover of Sports Illustrated this year?” I asked, aiming for a casual tone.
If I remembered correctly, Carolina was a sultry dark-haired, dark-eyed beauty.
    Jamie nodded as she sipped her soda. “Yeah, she’s gorgeous.
I heard she’s a bit of a diva, but if you’re as beautiful as she is, you could
afford to be. And he’s obviously willing to put up with her. She must do some amazing
tricks in the sack.”
    The image of Jake’s body entwined with the supermodel’s
induced a sharp pang. I firmly ignored it and smiled weakly at Jamie. “I love
your perspective on

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