
Resurgence by M. M. Mayle Page A

Book: Resurgence by M. M. Mayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. M. Mayle
Tags: Fiction, Thrillers
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We’re all on the same side. I made that abundantly clear when you called to ask my advice. By seeking the benefit of my experience and connections, you’re only doing your job. I don’t think even Colin could object under present circumstances, but I wouldn’t put it to the test.”
    “See, that’s what I mean . . . the clandestine nature, the sneaking around.”
    “Get over it. You’re doing nothing wrong. Stop thinking of me as anything but a dependable resource and you’ll be fine. Now, let’s review the plan. You’ll go out tonight business class on Pan Am—I’ll take you to Kennedy myself—and arrive tomorrow morning at Heathrow, where you’ll be met and driven to the Grosvenor House in Mayfair. I’ve booked you an efficiency apartment so you won’t have to rely on room service. Although Mayfair’s high-end, there’s an affordable tea room a quick walk through the mews to South Audley Street, and the Oxford Street shopping district’s nearby, where a wide variety of goods is available. The Marble Arch tube stop’s convenient and you’ll find the underground’s cheaper and nearly always quicker than a cab. Am I going too fast?”
    “No, but you needn’t be so concerned with my budget, I’m being given a very generous living allowance.”
    “Sorry. No insult intended. I’m probably leaning too far in the direction of economy because I don’t want these arrangements to look like I made them. If appearances didn’t matter, I’d be going with you. We’d be going by Concorde, staying at the Dorchester, sparing no expense.”
    “I understand. No insult taken.”
    “I’ve compiled a list of my numbers—call me anytime for anything—and a list of the people you’ll find useful in getting yourself established.” He selects from the pages of a makeshift portfolio. “This next list is of the contact personnel for those who I believe will want to be involved if your proposal’s accepted.”
    “You really need someone to fuss over, don’t you?” For a second she looks as though she’s about to clap both hands over her mouth like a wayward child who’s let slip with a family secret.”
    He stifles a sharp retort as unfair because she is right, after all, and he ought to be glad she didn’t say nursemaid. They continue past this awkward pause and approach the core subject by comparing fresh thoughts on the circumstances of Rayce Vaughn’s death, and conjecturing about what is known of the ongoing investigation.
    “Did David seem convinced it was suicide when you spoke to him last night?” Nate asks.
    “He seemed resigned to the idea.”
    “That’s your polite way of saying he’s not refuting the claim.”
    “I was cutting him some slack because he’d been hard at it for nearly twenty straight hours with the end nowhere in sight.”
    “That’s no excuse, Amanda. He’s taking the easy way out. I saw him do this once before. Right after Colin was racked up. David was on the scene only long enough to perform the necessary legal requirements, because he’d bought into the popular belief that Colin wasn’t going to make it. I think he’d already written Colin off before he came out to Michigan.”
    “Maybe so, and maybe he is selling Rayce short by not fighting back at the moment, but along with exhaustion you’ve gotta remember that he’s feeling the effects of a couple other shocks—namely Laurel’s defection and Colin’s break with you. Although he recovered quickly, there’s no doubt in my mind that David was hearing about it for the first time when I routinely mentioned that you and Colin had gone your separate ways.”
    “Is that so? Interesting. Makes me wonder if the oversight was deliberate and if he was going to offer you the present assignment before he learned that Colin was without representation.”
    “That’s hard to say for sure. I’m guessing he was, but the job wouldn’t have taken on quite the same significance it has now.”
    “We’re definitely

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