Retribution (SSU Trilogy Book 3) (The Surgical Strike Unit)

Retribution (SSU Trilogy Book 3) (The Surgical Strike Unit) by Vanessa Kier Page B

Book: Retribution (SSU Trilogy Book 3) (The Surgical Strike Unit) by Vanessa Kier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Kier
Tags: Fiction, romantic thriller
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    Rafe almost gave her his standard reply, a light, teasing remark that only hinted at what he did. But after what she’d been through tonight, much of it his fault, he figured she deserved the truth.
    “We’re a private special operations force that does mostly contract work for the government.”
    She opened her eyes and studied him. Her hazel eyes probed deep, stripping him bare as she searched for an answer to a question he couldn’t even guess at.
    He had the strongest urge to squirm under her scrutiny, wanting to give her whatever she sought.
    Finally, without any change in expression, she asked, “Do you have a name, or do you go by a number?”
    Normally, Rafe would wink and give her his best James Bond impression. But something about the way she looked at him, the focus in her eyes despite the lines of exhaustion on her face and the dried tears on her cheeks, killed his instinctive flirtation.
    A part of him knew if he treated her question lightly he’d lose any respect he’d earned since leaving her cabin. And having her respect was suddenly as vital as breathing.
    “Rafe Andros.” He offered his hand for a shake. “I apologize for scaring you earlier.”
    Shit. Where the hell had that come from? Since when did he apologize for carrying out his mission? He’d needed information on Nate’s location. Given the same situation, he’d do it again.
    So why did it matter that she forgive him?
    She eyed his hand with the same solemn regard. Damn, he wished he knew what was going on in that amazing brain of hers. Finally, the corners of her lips lifted in a small smile and she took his hand.
    “Gabby Montague.” Her handshake was firm, but her slender fingers were cold. He wanted to warm them. To pull all of her against him and give her his heat and strength. Her hand was so light and fragile inside his, filling him with the need to protect.
    But before he could act, she withdrew, crossing her arms over her chest. “Apology accepted,” she said quietly, her eyes drifting over the unconscious men. “I suppose I might do violence, too, if one of my friends suffered in such a program.”
    Her eyes sought his. Beneath the sorrow and the remnants of fear, he saw the slow burn of anger. Oh yeah. She might seem the cold scientist, but she had fire within her just waiting to be released.
    Another of the men began coughing. Gabby threw off his jacket and beat Jurgenson to the man’s side.
    Rafe met O’Ryan’s worried eyes and they both shifted closer to Nate. None of the dead men had shown any external symptoms before dying. Had they come all this way only to watch Nate die?

Chapter 7
    SSU Compound
    G abby pulled crisp mountain air deep into her lungs as she followed the last stretcher off the plane. They’d lost a total of four men during their escape from Kaufmann’s lab. Three died in the back of the truck. One more died after they’d taken off in the small plane sent to meet them at a nearby airport. At some point after the fourth death, Gabby’s energy had deserted her and she’d dozed just long enough to leave her groggy and emotionally vulnerable.
    Uneasy over the strange events of the night, Gabby remained tense and wary, keeping an alert eye on the pine forest ringing the landing strip. Ahead of her, silhouetted by the early morning sun, men in civilian clothes pushed stretchers holding the survivors toward a transport truck. The airfield remained quiet except for the squeak of the stretchers’ wheels over the tarmac and the distant call of what she thought was a hawk.
    When she reached the truck Gabby averted her eyes, unable to bear watching the body bags being loaded. She didn’t understand why the men’s bodies had failed, and so dramatically. Throughout the trip she’d asked herself what she could have done to save them. Each time the answer had been the same. Nothing.
    She couldn’t fight what she didn’t understand. Unfortunately, she also couldn’t shake the

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