Return of the Dragon (The Dragon's Champion Book 6)

Return of the Dragon (The Dragon's Champion Book 6) by Sam Ferguson

Book: Return of the Dragon (The Dragon's Champion Book 6) by Sam Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Ferguson
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shook his head. “Many of you know all of this already.
Your sons and daughters escaped from the Academy, were
taken down to Fort Drake and then helped on their way back home to you. I need
not waste more time explaining the gravity of the situation.” He turned to
Mickelson and extended his bony, weathered hand.
    Senator Mickelson reached behind his chair and
produced a simple staff made of cherry wood. He quickly moved to Mathias and
placed the staff in the king’s hand.
    King Mathias turned and tapped the staff on the
ground. “The Blacktongues are being rooted out of the Middle Kingdom. Others
who would see chaos, or use the dark arts within our borders are also being
hunted. What I ask of you is whether your house has any warriors to spare. If
yes, then line up on my left. Senator Mickelson will make a list of how many
you can send. On the morrow, I will announce where the soldiers are to be sent.”
He held a finger up in the air. “Let me be clear. I am asking for any who have
completed their training, and all who serve and are of fighting age. If,
however, your house has none to spare, then assemble on my right. I will hear
your justifications and decide whether I can send further aid to you. I know
many of you watch over hamlets and villages, and may not have the strength to
send me additional soldiers as well as maintain the safety of your own
    He tapped the staff on the stone floor. “Make your
choice now.” King Mathias turned back toward his throne so he could sit and
watch while those present formed into groups on either side of the hall.
Senator Mickelson worked quickly to record names and numbers from each house
volunteering to help. The guards in the room ensured that the lines were as
orderly as possible. Once Mickelson had finished with a particular noble, the
guards would allow that person to exit the hall.
    The whole process took well over an hour before
Mickelson finished with the houses volunteering support. After they had all
departed, there were ten nobles remaining in the audience hall.
    Lord Millard was the first to approach the throne. “My
King,” he began with a deep bow. “Please do not think me a coward, or
unfaithful. As you know, I have a small village to protect within the borders
of my land. I have, including men of fighting age, two hundred spears to
command. As my lands are in the north eastern region of the Middle Kingdom, I
have already sent all but thirty of my men to aid Grand Master Penthal.” He
reached into his pocket and produced a small parchment. “I have a letter of
thanks from Grand Master Penthal to verify my account.” He offered the letter
    Mickelson took the letter and transferred it to
Mathias’ hands. The king opened it and read its contents quickly. Then he
    “All is well, Lord Millard. Thank you for your
service, and your forethought.”
    The next person to come forward was Lady Lokton.
    King Mathias arched a brow at her. “Why do you stand
before me?” he asked. “You have already offered every able-bodied man in your
service, except for Braun, whom I insisted should stay with you. You have no
need to explain yourself to me.”
    She nodded and smiled. “I come for her,” she said as
she gestured with a hand toward Lady Cedreau.
    Lady Cedreau came forward, her dark hair falling over
her face as she bowed low.
    “You come to intercede on her behalf?” King Mathias
    Lady Lokton nodded. “I do.”
    “Lady Cedreau, many of your house were among those who
fought with the warlock masquerading as Senator Bracken, do you deny it?”
    Lady Cedreau kept her head bent to the floor as she
shook her head and said, “I do not deny it.”
    King Mathias sighed and looked to Lady Lokton with his
tired, yet fierce eyes. “These men killed those who served you. They destroyed
your home. Yet you stand here and ask for a pardon?”
    Lady Lokton bent down to a knee beside Lady Cedreau.
“My king, it was not under her order that these

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