Revisited (Redemption Series)

Revisited (Redemption Series) by Lindsey Gray Page B

Book: Revisited (Redemption Series) by Lindsey Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Gray
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to concentrate on what she needed to say.
    “I need to know if you have any idea about where Liam is?”
    Gideon remembered the plan and began to recount what he and Liam had concocted months before. “It was strange. I tried to get out of the room, but that fucking lock basically melted my skin off.”
    “I’m so sorry.” Becca kissed from his swollen eye down to his bruised cheek. “I should have explained what would happen.”
    “It doesn’t matter now, baby. I’m here with you; that’s all that matters.” 
    She smiled at his term of endearment. 
    “I was sure Liam was going to drain me dry, but he just ended up using me as a punching bag while he tested out his new strength. I’m surprised he didn’t do more damage.”
    “You are very lucky.”
    “You’re why I’m here. You gave me the strength to do what I needed to do.” Gideon gave her another chaste kiss. “Liam didn’t talk much, but he seemed to have a plan. I did hear him on the phone once when he thought I was out. He was making arrangements for a car, which I thought was strange since he could just take whatever he wanted. Not like anyone could stop him.”
    She laughed. “Must have picked that up from Lily. She was never one for wanting to bring attention to herself. She always went for conventional modes of transportation over what she called flights of fancy.”
    Lily. Oh, God. She’s gone. Ian gave a soft sob at the thought of his lost love.
    “I can’t even begin to know what you’re going through, losing her like this. Liam made sure to let me know every detail of what happened.”
    “What?” Becca pulled back. “She’s not gone. We brought her back.”
    “You what?” Gideon was shocked and slightly panicked. This was not something he had figured into his plan.
    “Another thing you missed. She was, for all intents and purposes, dead, but we found a way to bring her back.”
    “How? How is that even possible?” Gideon was dumbstruck. He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to pull things off with Lily around.
    “She needed the right type of blood: that of a being who was part angel, part human. Turns out, I fit the bill.”
    “You? But your mother and father . . .” In all the time he had spent in Anne’s mind, he never delved into much of her memories, only the ones he needed at the moments he needed them. He always assumed Maxwell Swift, Anne’s late husband, was Becca’s father.
    “Turns out right after my father . . . umm . . . after Maxwell died, my mom and Sam were together. I’m assuming she was worried what people would think about her getting pregnant right after he died. So she passed me off as Maxwell’s. I guess it didn’t hurt when I was born a month early.”
    He let it sink in. Sam was her father. The angel he had fought for centuries. His archenemy. How could he fall in love and devote his every move to the child of his most hated foe?
    In Gideon’s case, fate was a cruel mistress.
    Ian laughed at Gideon’s sudden misfortune. He wondered if Gideon had ever taken the “love thine enemy” approach. He very much doubted it.
    “You gave Lily your blood and it brought her back?”
    “Not right away, but eventually.”
    “What does that mean?” Gideon was sure his plan was shot to hell. They would be after Liam, and it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch of the imagination to connect Debir and Filipp to the mess.
    “It means she’s alive because of my blood. But there’s more. Much more.”
    “Go on.” It sickened him to think that all of his years of planning every detail would be wasted.
    “First of all, Lily told you about her husband?”
    Husband? The fiancé, Ryan.
    “Ryan?” Gideon whispered.
    “Yes.” Becca nodded. “Well, through some twist, he is an angel of death. They’ve been reunited.”
    Gideon sat in thought for a moment while Ian was eerily silent.
    “I know this is a lot to take in.”
    Gideon took in a deep breath before he responded. “It’s a bit much,

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