Riddley Walker

Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban

Book: Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban Read Free Book Online
Authors: Russell Hoban
Tags: Fiction, General
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fit up. Nothing to see only the red back clof with black smoak and arnge flames paintit on it and the emty space where Eusa wud come up.
    Orfing gone close to the fit up and talking to the lower part where Eusa wer inside readying to show nor you cudnt see him yet. He said, "Trubba not."
    Eusas voyce from down inside said, "No Trubba."
    Orfing said, "Wel if there aint no Trubba whynt you come up where we can see you?"
    Eusas voyce (which it wer all ways a low and sorrerful kynd of voyce even them times when you myt think Eusa myt be jollyer nor other times) said, "It dont make no diffrents if I come up or not you cant see me any how."
    Orfing said, "Why cant we see you?"
    Eusas voyce said, "Becaws the main part of me aint where you can see it."
    Orfing said, "Eusa no body wants to see the main part of you we jus want you to come up and do a show."
    Eusas voyce said, "Thats a larf innit. How can I do a show if I cant show the main part of me?"
    Orfing said, "Eusa what is that main part you keap talking on?"
    Eusas voyce said, "Its that same part what I do my bes work with innit."
    Orfing said, "Wel Eusa its the same with all us bloaks we all do our bes work with that same part dont we."
    Eusas voyce said, "You dont or you wunt be talking so stupid. Its my head Im talking about thats my main part."
    Orfing said, "Eusa be you saying its your head we cant see?"
    Eusas voyce said, "Thats what I ben saying."
    Orfing said, "Why not? Why cant we see your head?"
    Eusas voyce said, "Becaws its burrit in the groun thats why."
    Orfing said, "Eusa this aint no time to stick your head in the groun weve got work to do weve got a show to do."
    Eusas voyce said, "Orfing you aint very qwick are you I cud get better patter peeing agenst a wall. I aint stuck my acturel head in the groun nor I aint talking on the head Im talking with."
    Orfing said, "What head be you talking on then Eusa?" Eusas voyce said, "When I say my head its jus a way of saying. Only its over your head innit. May be your heads the 1 whats burrit in the groun."
    Orfing said, "Eusa wunt it make life easyer all roun if you jus come up and done your show?"
    Eusas voyce said, "Thats your Trubba Orfing you keap looking for a easy life you wont move nothing frontways that way."
    Eusa come up then slow and scanful like all ways terning his woodin head this way and that and his paintit eyes taking us all in. Many and manys the time Id lookit back at them staring blue eyes. Since back befor I cud member it even. Only this time it seamt like it wer the 1st time I wer seeing him and I wer afeart of him. The way he kep terning his head it made me think of that thing with no name looking out thru our eye hoals.
    Orfing said, "Wel Eusa if youre ready to show then I can sit down now."
    Eusa said, "Yes Im ready to show and Iwl tel you this aint no made up show this time its all trufax from the Mincery and ben wrote down the same."
    Orfing said, "Trufax is it. This heres going to be the parper stablisht men story is it."
    Eusa said, "Thats what its going to be right a nuff."
    Orfing said, "May be I bes stan up then."
    Eusa said, "You bes sit down Orfing dont give me no inner fearents."
    Orfing sat down then.
    Eusa lookit roun on all of us agen. He said, "This here what youre going to see it happent time back way back when I workit for Mr Clevver."
    Orfing said, "O that ben ever so far back. Long time long time 1000s and 1000s ever so many. You wunt do nothing like that now you wunt bring on no Bad Time agen wud you."
    Eusa said, "You can res your mouf now Erny we dont nead no mor patter Im showing now."
    Orfing said, "Yes you are youre showing right a nuff. Wel carry on Eusa I wont say no mor."
    Eusa said, "Right you are and let that be the las of it."
    Orfing dont say nothing mor.
    Eusa says to us, "This is time back way back like I said." He goes down and he comes up with paper and pen and ink and a measuring stick and a triangl. Hes writing writing hes numbering hes drawing lines all over

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