Rise of Aen
blue hair flowed in the breeze like dancing flames, pouring from the logs of an evening fire. Her large blue eyes, which once held the horizon in their gaze, moved over to size him up after the nervous question.
    “The guide to your new life.” The woman said with a smirk. “I am called Ameia; I am the source of your transformation. The changes you will go through are the result of your blood mixing with mine; our races melding into one.”
    Aaron was confused. “What are you talking about?”
    “You and I are one now; our life force combined to create a new exciting being!” she answered with her smile growing wider. “It was my voice in your head; my guidance when no one else would help that comforted you in the tank. From my body, they took my blood and used it to change you. They sought to make a weapon; I seek to help you achieve something better.”
    “I am afraid you have me at a loss, what do you mean they made me a weapon?”
    “Look into the water; see your face and how you have changed!”
    Aaron turned and leaned over the water to see his reflection. Once the lake was calm, the shock of what was happening really set in. To his horror, the face that peered back at him from the water’s surface was radically different than what he remembered. His nose was straighter and led right into a prominent brow which was crowned by the absence of eyebrows. His face was longer and his cheek bones protruded slightly, giving his face a look of thinness. Thinner lips lined his mouth and they held a similar hue to the deep tan he seemed to now have. His hair was black with a hint of a blue sheen to it when the light shone on him. But the most startling change was those of his eyes. Before, they had been brown and normal size, but now they were noticeably larger and completely black, with a rim of blue glowing around the edges, like the lunar eclipse of a blue sun. In this new face, Aaron could see features of his old self, but they were overshadowed by the new features similar to those of his companion.
    “I…I…don’t understand.” He gasped as he let his hands explore his face. “What has happened to me?”
    “In a way, you could say that you’ve evolved.” Her words causing him to snap his attention back to her. “This is only a visual representation of what you’ve become; when your body is ready, you’ll awaken and become so much more. But for now, I’ve chosen to prepare you this way; in your mind as your body heals. So fragile your race is, so easy to overwhelm your nervous systems.”
    “So this is a dream?”
    She reached out and brushed his cheek with her hand. Her skin was soft and her touch gentle and caring. “No, dear child, it is not a dream. I am here in your mind as your body recovers from the merging of our matter. They watch me so closely that it is the only way I can help you. I saw your body accepting my blood; blending with it, so I reached inside your mind and shut it off so you would survive! Now I will sit with you here and prepare you for when you shall awaken and rejoin the world.”
    Aaron’s legs gave way and he fell to his knees in the sand with the waves lapping at his thighs. All this was too overwhelming; the weight of what had happened was crushing. All this time he thought he was in a hospital, undergoing tests and procedures to help him recover. He had attributed the blackouts to painkillers and being prepped for surgeries. Everything had fit the way his mind had wanted it to, but now the blindfold was pulled away and he was seeing things for the way they truly were. The water’s surface changed, and recent events were replayed for him to see the truth.
    Medics had military uniforms, the charts had no name but only a number assigned to him—Subject 54! Conversations replayed again revealed purpose to the tests and told tale of the horror he was about to be inflicted. Tears streamed down his cheeks as his memories showed glimpses of his family, causing him to reach out

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