Rise of Aen
Aaron. He screamed again, pulling against his restraints, all the time watching the purple-colored muck getting closer. Suddenly, he felt a coldness creeping up his spine, then his neck and heart, followed by his leg. What was this shit! What the fuck were they doing! Krista, I’m sorry! He thought. I’ll always love you! I’m so sorry!
    A voice sounded in his head, It is not your fault. You were chosen for this long before you were born. Soon you will unlock the power of two worlds and become something far beyond these simpletons! I am Ameia, and I’m connected to you through the blood I gave for your rebirth. I will help you learn, teach your mind to the ways of our world while I can, before the mixing of the blood cuts me off forever.
    I didn’t want this, any of this! He said in his mind, hoping the entity would hear him. If you want to help me, get me the fuck out of here!
    That’s not how this must play out, the voice responded coolly. Now marks the beginning of a new journey; one that destiny has laid out for you to explore . His eyes began to close as the agony was too much; his body was shutting down to better cope with the trauma. You will die, my young friend, but you will rise—changed dramatically. You will be the dawn of a great day for the human race; a day when our races finally meet. These misguided fools have hopes to make you a weapon to use against my people, instead you will be the broker of peace. As he slipped into the depths of a coma, her last words echoed through his soul. You are the beginning of a new day; the harbinger of the Empire.
    Aaron’s body slumped in its restraints; his life signs dropping dramatically low. Doctors and assistants ran about the room, trying to confirm that he was still alive and to keep him stable. All those in the observation lounge leaned forward in anticipation of any type of good news.
    “Life signs low, but stable.” The lead doctor spoke after some hectic moments.
    General Taylor pressed the intercom button. “Drain the tank and get him into the ICU. I want him under constant watch. This is the one, people; this is what we’ve been working for, the last few years.” He let go of the button, shutting off the intercom, and turned to the Major. “Phillips, I want an armed guard in the room with him 24/7. If he shows any sign of hostility, I want him terminated.”
    She was taken aback by this command. “Sir?” she asked. “If we’ve spent the last few years looking for this success, why are we so lax about killing him?”
    “His body is worth everything to us; dead or alive. The research teams will learn so much either way. Just get it done, Major. Dismissed.” He snapped a salute, before spinning on his heels and exiting the lounge. The general’s mind raced with excitement—the project was finally showing some success! Briskly walking to the elevators, he entered and punched the floor of his quarters, eager to send a report to his superiors. A smile broke his usual reserved expression. Fuck the moon landing, he thought, This is the giant leap for mankind right here!
    Major Phillips looked over the electronic charts for both catatonic patients in the ICU. First was Subject Zero; she was holding on, but just barely. Over the past four years, the team had learned tons about her physiology and they knew that she would expire if she continued to degrade like this. Every effort to keep her alive had been met with futility. Every time they thought they had stopped her slide, it got worse. Four years was the longest any alien had survived in captivity, and they were lucky she had. Her body had given them a wealth of knowledge about her specific race, along with the translated files from the crashed ship.
    These creatures were tall; Zero herself stood close to six and half feet, and scans showed that their bone structure was hollow in the center, with only a ring of marrow coating the interior of the bone. Her body’s level of carotene was off the

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