Rising Storm

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Book: Rising Storm by Kathleen Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Brooks
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warmed as she watched Ahmed slowly pet Zoti's head. The dog looked up at Ahmed adoringly. In the dog's mind this man was his savior and she bet Zoti would spend the rest of his life thanking Ahmed for it.
    He was nothing like Marshall. Even with their dogs. Bob had that same cocky, I know more than you do, attitude his owner had. No, Ahmed was better for her than Marshall. So, she needed to stop thinking of him and focus on what was right in front of her.
    She needed a secure man in her life. After the example of her mother, she quite feared anything else. Her mom had a thing for rich assholes like her father and the six or so men after him. She had watched her mom depend on these men day after day until she was shipped off to boarding school at the request of one of them that didn't want a little brat hanging around.
    Her mom didn't want to work and the men she was with didn't want her to. Her identity was to be solely wrapped up in them. She’d go wherever they wanted, do whatever they wanted, all to make sure she had as much money to spend as she wanted on clothes and a fancy car to drive.
    Even at seven years old she knew it was wrong. She wanted to be known for who she was, not as a trophy girlfriend to be discarded the second she became blemished or the man got bored. So she worked hard at school. Her father was too busy running his empire to "get away" and see her at boarding school. Her mother was the same way. She was always too busy with her latest husband to visit her daughter. But, every holiday or break, a plane ticket always arrived from her grandparents with a note begging her to join them.
    Then during her senior year of high school her father showed up. She hadn’t seen him for three years. A bit of her heart leapt at the chance to show him what a good girl she was and to finally get approval. However, it was not to be. He arrived in pomp and circumstance. Bodyguards secured the area and ordered the principal of the school around as if she were a servant. It was all just part of the show. The real show was offering his daughter the chance to go to Yale - he had already secured her a spot - and intern with Jacks Hotels during the summers.
    She had thought it wonderful until he told her it was because he was trying to take over a company that was family run and they didn’t want to sell to someone as cold hearted as he. So, he came to collect his ignored daughter and play father until the deal closed in two or three years. He was going to go in as minority owner and it would take him that long to win them over and out of the remainder of control.
    With a broken heart she turned him down, and he threatened to cut her off when she turned eighteen. She cried as he left and knew it would be the last time she'd let someone have power over her. She decided to strike out on her own. When she turned eighteen she signed a contract with a small modeling agency for one year. It was barely enough to pay the rent. She luckily received a scholarship and attended Barnard College in New York City so she could pursue her modeling career at the same time.
    She lived with some of her friends from the boarding school nearby. At the end of her first year she had almost failed out. With the pressures of modeling, she fell behind in the rough liberal arts’ curriculum. The teachers worked with her and she scored high enough to stay in school, but on academic probation.
    That summer when her contract was up she signed with the premier modeling agency and started booking major shows. She worked every day during the summer. There was no more time to go see her grandparents. She was walking the runways in Milan, doing photo shoots for Victoria's Secret, Versace, and Ralph Lauren. Money was rolling in and she took a semester off school to continue modeling. She did manage to take online courses.
    She moved into her own small apartment and saved every penny she could. She worked hard and constantly for two more years before taking time

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