Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2

Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 by Sara Hess

Book: Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 by Sara Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Hess
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but remained on his feet. Fury colored his face and he moved toward
me again. “That wasn’t smart, bitch.” Reaching out he went to grab my right
arm. Swinging up with my left arm I struck him in the nose a second time…hard.
         He howled and staggered back holding his bloody nose.
“What the fuck!”
         Jumping up from the bed I dashed for the door grabbing
my purse off the floor on the way, but Dale wasn’t done yet. He grabbed my
shirt jerking me back and I heard a rip. Reflexively, I spun with my left fist
making contact with his nose a third time. If it wasn’t broken before it was
now because I felt the crackling of cartilage under my fist. But then in the
next instant pain flared in my hand and I realized that I had probably just
broken my own fingers as well. This just ramped up my anger.
         Grasping his shirt at the shoulder with my good hand I
brought my leg up and kneed him in the groin with all I had. He squealed like a
pig and dropped to the floor in a fetal position holding himself. I hoped I
dislocated his balls from his dick.
         I stood over him shaking and breathing hard from anger,
adrenaline, and yes, fear. What female could go through this and not experience
fear? Opening my purse I pulled my switchblade out and flipped it open.
         “Look at me, dolboeb (fuckhead).” My accent was genuine
this time in my agitation and adrenaline high. Dale didn’t move fast enough for
me so I nudged his head hard with my foot. He looked up with pain filled eyes
that widened when he noticed my knife. It had him scuttling backwards while he
continued to hold on to his useless appendages.
         I followed him but didn’t get too close. This all would
be useless if he got a hold of me again. I pointed the knife at him. “You made
a huge mistake prat boy. Do you know who I am? I’m Nadezdha Cherkesov. My fazer
is head enforcer of zee Russian mafia. When he finds out what you tried to do
to me he is going to cut you up in little pieces and feed you to zee fishes.”
Dale’s eyes widen in horror at my words…my totally made up words.
         “I didn’t know…”
         I cut him off with a wave of my knife through the air.
“I don’t want to hear it, eblan (dumbass), because he’s not going to
care if you knew or not. He cuts first and asks questions later.” I might be
going too far but I was having a hard time stopping. I wanted this guy scared
shitless. I took a step closer which had him shuffling back more. “You’re lucky
I’m not as blood zirsty as my fazer. You took a kiss from me so I gafe you back
ten fold what you took. But if I efer hear zat you took more zan a kiss from a
girl again I will sic my fazer on you and he will finish what I started. You
hear me, mu’dak ?” I yelled waving my knife at him.
         Dale cringed and whimpered a ‘ yes’ looking
pathetic and bloody curled up on the floor. I was done here. Spinning on my
heel I swept out the door, through the house, and out the back door. I passed quite
a few people on the way, and a fair number of curious glances, but no one
stopped me. It was lucky I didn’t come across Seth or I would have cut him with
the knife I still had concealed in my hand.
         Reaching my car I pulled the key from my purse and
slipped behind the wheel. Holding my injured left hand to my chest I started
the car and jammed my foot on the accelerator. The car shot forward with a
screech of its tires.
         I was able to make it about a mile before the shaking in
my limbs had me pulling over at the nearest empty parking lot. Putting the car
in park, but leaving it running, I leaned my head on the steering wheel as I
shook uncontrollably.
         I couldn’t believe that had happened; that he’d just
attacked me like that. What made someone think they could do something like
that? And that Seth would walk away at seeing it. He’d seemed like a nice guy
when we were talking earlier, but I’d known

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