Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2

Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 by Sara Hess Page B

Book: Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 by Sara Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Hess
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exclaimed in dismay. “Something like
that can wait until after we leave. The plumbing has lasted this long it should
last another several months until we graduate.”
         I sighed again as I headed up the stairs to my bedroom.
“Yeah, probably.”
         “So who’s calling the landlord?” I heard Evan ask as I
reached the landing.
         “I don’t care, but it needs to be done right now.” I
yelled as I made my way back to my bedroom. Pushing through the door I stripped
off my wet sweats. It was a good thing I had basically finished with my shower
before the water shut off or I’d be walking around itching from dried soap on
my skin.
         Throwing on some khaki shorts and a white t-shirt I
finished what I could of my Monday morning routine that didn’t include water.
Grabbing my pack with my materials for the classes I had this afternoon I
headed back downstairs for breakfast. Walking into the kitchen I saw Landon
just getting off his cell.
         “I called the landlord and that was him getting back to
me about someone coming this afternoon around two.”
         I nodded as I opened the refrigerator and pulled the
carton of eggs out, and then reached into the cabinet to grab a loaf of bread.
         Landon sat down on a bar stool at the counter. “So,
what’s going on with you, man?”
         “What do you mean?” I set a pan on the stove and lit
the burner.
         “I mean, something is going on. You don’t usually let
things get to you like this. You’re a go with the flow type of guy, and it
hasn’t been flowing well for you for the last few weeks. Does it have something
to do with Melissa? I haven’t seen her around lately.”
         “We’re taking a break.” Grabbing four eggs I cracked
them into the pan, seasoned them, covered them, and then put four slices of
bread in the toaster.
         “Whose decision was this?”
         “Both.” I replied shortly.
         I’d had that conversation with Melissa explaining to
her how I liked sex a little rougher then what we’d been doing. Her eyes had
widened in shock, but she’d listened and hadn’t run from the room in fright or
disgust. However, she had told me that she would need time to consider whether
she was up for sex like that. She’d informed me that she had plans to go over
seas in a few weeks and that she’d tell me her decision when she got back.  
         I hadn’t heard from her since, and as time went by I
realized that I really didn’t miss her all that much. In fact, I’d come to the
conclusion that I’d settled on Melissa. I’d just come off my infatuation with
Carrie and when I met Melissa she had reminded me of her. Melissa had been
everything I thought I wanted. She wasn’t though.
         “And are you happy with that?” Landon asked.
         The toast popped up. I turned off the heat to my eggs.
“I’m not sad about it.” Sliding my eggs out of the non-stick pan onto a plate I
buttered my toast, and then grabbing the milk out of the frig and a glass I sat
down at the counter next to Landon.
         “Than what’s the problem, dude? You’re walking around
like a bear with a sliver in his paw.”
         I debated on what to say as I took a bite of my
breakfast. I decided to be truthful yet vague. “I was interested in someone I
didn’t want to be interested in.”
         Landon snorted. “Was? Because the way your acting it
sounds like it should be present tense.”
         I gave him a glare as I took another bite. “Is…was…I
don’t want to be interested in her.”
         He shook his head and there was a hard glint in his eye.
I’d always had a notion that Landon had had a bad experience with a girl that
had soured him on women in general, but I wasn’t one to dig into others
personal lives. “Why you guys let chicks get under your skin…So why can’t you
just screw this girl and get her out of your head?”
         His words

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