Rival Love

Rival Love by Natalie Decker

Book: Rival Love by Natalie Decker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Decker
Unlocking the car, I slide into the front seat and wait for her to get into the car.
    I start the engine, ready to leave her, when the passenger door flies open. Skylar swings her long legs into my car. My top weakness: legs, right alongside eyes, smiles, and wits, so I can’t help but stare. Damn Bulldog is way too hot for her own good. A sweet scent of marmalade wafts off her and bombards me. Now all I smell is her . Great.
    “I’m going to drop you off at the last stop sign before the parking lot. Think you can manage walking to the school steps without getting your ass kicked?” I don’t know why I’m even asking. From what she did to my balls the other day I’m sure she can handle herself.
    Her burnt-orange eyes look at me for a second then she turns away with a mumble. “Do what you want.”
    “I always do, thanks, but it’s still nice to ask. My parents taught me some things…” I trail off. Only a few people know about my parents. I’m certain Brian hasn’t given Erin the full story of why I stay with him. I don’t need the pity from anyone, especially Skylar Fletcher.
    Her eyes are on me. To avoid any more of this conversation, I put the car in drive, mentally cursing myself for even mentioning it in the first place. “That’s fine,” she whispers.
    I glance over at her; her eyes are facing the passenger window. Shock waves over me, because her being silent and not asking about my parents is something I didn’t expect. Another strange feeling plagues me, a slight twinge. Why it happens, I can’t explain. But I don’t like it.
    Pulling up to the last stop sign, I let my car idle, while Skylar exits the car. “Well, don’t get your ass kicked.”
    She rolls her eyes. “That’s so touching.” Her hand lets go of the door and it swings closed.
    Making my way to third period, I bump into Derrick. “Hey, man. I haven’t seen you all day. Did Olivia come with you?”
    “Umm…what?” I say in a full-out stammer.
    Derrick looks at me, his eyebrows raised while his mouth forms this half scowl. “You okay?”
    I shake my head. “Fine.” My eyes wander off and focus on a figure down the hall, two classrooms away from where I stand. Skylar. Her head is down, thick dark hair curtains her face, but a group of girls from the swim team stalk not far behind her screaming, “Get the hell outta here, Bulldog!” Along with, “That’s right, you better keep walking, you’re in our territory now, Fletcher! No one’s gonna protect you over here!”
    Damn. I knew this would happen, but I was counting on it occurring at lunchtime, not right now.
    “Hold up, did they just…” Derrick starts but I won’t let him finish.
    “The bell’s about to ring,” I say and hurry toward class.
    Amber Ortiz presses her hand on one of Skylar’s shoulders and turns her to face them. Skylar looks up, just before I reach the group. I swear she’s daring them to hit her. Not with words, but the way her head is held high.
    “Hey, Amber!” I yell, running over to her. Skylar doesn’t even look over at me. She keeps her eyes on Amber.
    Amber glances over at me and says, “Morgan, what do you want from me now? I already gave you some loving a few weeks ago. Coming back for more?”
    Flashing a smile, I answer, “Oh yes, I couldn’t stay away.”
    Amber squares herself toward me. I don’t want to break the eye contact. So as much as I want to check on Skylar my eyes stay on Amber’s deep brown gaze. Her mouth starts to turn up at the corners into a dazzling smile. The same one that made me notice her last year, and three months ago, and then again a few weeks ago. Yes, Amber is like salt on wounds. Burns like hell, but keep pouring it on to rid away infection. She seems to know it too. Her tongue clicks against her teeth and then she pouts her lips.
    She leans in and whispers, “This weekend. My place, eight o’clock. I’ll be waiting.”
    “All right.”
    She blows a kiss and starts to walk off.

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