Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras

Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras by Nikki Ashton

Book: Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras by Nikki Ashton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Ashton
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“I’ll make the ginger beer and cucumber sandwiches eh?”
    The Scrabble tournament - the best of three games - had been in full flow for almost two hours, and with one game each the levels of competitiveness were soaring.
    “No way,” Amber cried.  “There is no such word as twizwaddle.”
    Jake grinned and batted his long eyelashes at her.  “There is, it’s an African snake.”
    “Oh please, don’t give me that load of old twaddle.” 
    “Yeah, that’s it,” Jake said excitedly.  “Excellent, thanks, Freckles.”  He picked up his letters and then set them down again, spelling out the word ‘twaddle’.
    Amber groaned and dropped her head into her hands.
    “Get in!” Jake shouted, his fist pumping the air.  “Triple word score, that’s thirty points to me.”
    “Hardly a mega score is it?”
    “Hey, it’s better than anything you’ve scored so far in this game.”  Jake pouted as he looked down at the score sheet.  “Your best so far has been twenty-six.”
    “Yes but,” Amber giggled, “you’re still almost ninety points behind me in this game and you’ve only got three tiles left, so I reckon that makes me the winner.  You may as well retire now.”
    “I could still pull it back,” Jake said. Then, his eyes suddenly wide with fear, he pointed behind Amber. “What the hell is that ?” 
    Amber quickly spun around, her eyes searching the room behind her.
    “What?” she squealed. “What is it? I can’t see anything”  She turned back just in time  to see Jake scribbling all over the score sheet while his other hand tipped the board up.
    “Oops, sorry,” he laughed. “You said you’d won, but I can’t see any evidence of that here.”
    “You cheating little git.”  Amber reached over and clipped Jake around the back of the head.  “I won and you know it.”  She started to laugh and pelted Jake with Scrabble tiles.
    “Be careful, you might maim me with those.”  Jake said, picking the tiles up from the floor and throwing them back. Within seconds, a full on tile fight was underway, with both of them running around the dining room, dodging tiles and scrambling along the floor for more ammunition.  As Amber threw double handed, Jake ducked to avoid them and scuttled around the table, grabbing hold of her waist and dragging Amber to the floor. 
    “Jake no!” she cried as he pulled her down.
    As Amber landed on top of him, Jake grabbed hold of her hands and started to flap them against Amber’s face.
    “Don’t hit yourself, Freckles.  It was only a game, don’t beat yourself up about it.”
    “Jake no, stop it,” Amber screamed down his ear.  “I think I’m going to wet myself,” she cried in between gasps of laughter.
    “Ugh, dirty girl.”  Jake climbed on top of Amber and, straddling her, he pinned her arms down with his knees.  “Did you wet your pants?” he asked, grinning down at her. .
    Amber shook her head, tears of laughter crawling from the corners of her eyes.
    “No, not yet.”
    “Not yet eh?  What if I tickle you, will that get you wetting your knickers?”  Jake started to tickle under Amber’s arms and down to her waist.  His breath quickening as his fingers skimmed under her top, against cool, bare skin.
    Amber thrashed around, kicking her legs and gasping for breath.  “Please Jake, no.”
    Jake leaned closer to Amber until their lips were only a couple of inches apart.
    “Do you submit, and admit that I’m the Scrabble champion?”
    Amber shook her head and grinned.  “Nope.”
    “Submit?”  Jake’s gaze landed on Amber’s soft lips. He felt adrenalin suddenly surging inside him.
    Amber held her breath, her own heartbeat quickening as she felt Jake’s breath on her face. So close.  “Nope,” she finally whispered.
    Jake leaned in even closer. “Submit,” he said softly, his lips whispering against hers.
    Amber shook her head and gazed at Jake, her eyes full of lust as she saw the same reflected in his. 

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