Rock the Bodyguard
step down,”
she said astutely.
    “There's more to life than just
trying to get ahead.”
    Backing away from the water line,
Cash plopped down onto the sand. “There is, isn't there?” She asked it like a
question, as if she weren't sure of the answer.
    “Of course,” he crouched next to
her, keeping an eye out for anyone coming down the beach or from the promenade.
“Is something wrong, Cash?”
    “I'm just... tired,” she said
softly, casting her eyes down to her feet.
    “Of course you are,” he said
sympathetically. “You've been working your behind off all day every day.”
    She cast a sidelong look up at him.
“I thought you said I lacked discipline.”
    “No, sweetheart,” he said. “I said
you could do with a good spanking. It isn't the same thing.”
    Confusion was written on her cute
face. “It's not? Isn't spanking a punishment?”
    “It can be,” Miles said. “But in
your case...” he paused. “Permission to speak freely?”
    She giggled and it was quite
charming. “Permission granted.”
    “It seems to me,” he said, choosing
his words carefully. “That you work very hard, and there are always people
around you, but you don't have anyone really looking after you.”
    “You are, you're looking out for
me,” she said, looking at him under her eyelashes. He was struck with the same
force that had caught him off guard the first time they'd met. Her beauty and
her vulnerability made him feel fiercely protective.
    “I am,” he agreed.
    “So are you going to....” she let
the words trail off as she gave him a playful look.
    It took a moment for Miles to
realize what she was getting at. The little minx was asking him for a spanking,
or near enough to it. He felt a stirring in his loins. She didn't know what she
was asking for, not really. As much as he would have loved to take her over his
lap, slide her panties down her slim, toned thighs and spank her cute round
bottom bright red, he didn't know if he could stop there. Especially as she was
now, smiling and sweet.
    “Are you asking me if I'm going to
spank your bottom?” He rumbled the question and smiled as she broke into
giggles. He was slightly relieved and simultaneously disappointed that she
wasn't seriously asking him to take her in hand then and there.
    “Thank you for talking to me,
Miles,” she said. “You make me feel sane.”
    “Any time,” he said, offering his
hand and helping her to stand.
    “I'm sorry I was snappy to you
after that concert the other day,” she said, recalling her first instance of
bad behavior in his presence. “I... I wanted you to like it.”
    “I like you, Miss Raine, and I
think you're very talented. I think you work tremendously hard and you deserve
all the success and happiness in the world,” he paused as he drew breath. “But
those lyrics...”
    “I know,” she said, keeping hold of
his hand as she began walking again. “They're not my first choice either, but
the studio controls a lot of that stuff. I've been writing my own songs for
years, but they won't green light any of them.”
    “Why not?”
    “They're not marketable,” Cash
    Miles squeezed her hand
reassuringly. She was so sweet, so very trusting. “You'll work it out, Cash,
you're too good not to.”
    “Thanks,” she smiled, and then did
something rather cheeky. She pulled her hand out of Miles' grasp, swatted his
behind and dashed away a few steps.
    “Miss Raine,” he rumbled warningly.
“Are you trying to get into trouble?”
    “I am trouble,” she said. “Haven't
you worked that out yet?”
    “Cash, you wouldn't know how to be
trouble if you studied for a hundred years.”
    She pouted and folded her arms over
her chest. “Come on, Miles...”
    “Oh what, you want me to spank you?
Is that it?” He shook his head and lifted his hand to crook his finger at her.
“Come here, young lady.”
    “What if I don't want to?”
    “Come here, Miss Raine.” He
repeated himself. She edged forward, looking

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