Rock the Bodyguard
her. In spite
of looking like a young goddess, Cash seemed to have forgotten that she was a
celebrity. She blushed visibly as Mattie drew closer.
    “Hey, beautiful,” Mattie said,
taking Cash's hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. Cash giggled, a
melodic sound as Mattie bent at the waist in an exaggerated bow. “It's going to
be a pleasure working with you,” she said in a husky purr.
    “I'm really looking forward to it,”
Cash said. “I love your stuff. It's so... raw.”
    “And your dancing is amazing,”
Mattie replied smoothly. “I could watch it all day long.” Her voice dropped a
little lower and became playfully suggestive. “I can't wait to see you move to
my beats.”
    Miles' jaw almost dropped as he
watched a woman half his size putting the moves on Cash – and doing a damn good
job of it too.
    Cash smiled broadly. “Well thank
you,” she said, visibly pleased. “I was really excited when Kevin said you
might be coming on tour with us. Do you think you'll be able to make it?”
    “As long as Muscles over there
doesn't decide to wreck me before we go, sure,” Mattie said, looking at Cash in
a conspiratorial manner that Miles did not like.
    “If you're implying that I would
hit a woman, you are very much mistaken,” he said stiffly.
    “Well, she's not entirely
mistaken,” Cash corrected him.
    “That wasn't the same thing.”
    “Whoa whoa whoa,” Mattie held her
hands up. “What are you two talking about?” She leaned in close to Cash and
gave Miles a dirty look.
    “Nothing like that,” Cash said, “he
just swatted me. He's sort of old fashioned.”
    Mattie's scowl turned into a death
glare. She stalked across the room and reached up to poke Miles in the chest
with a pointy finger that hurt. “You think it's fun to hit women, do you,
    Miles clamped his jaw tight. “It's
not hitting, it is discipline.”
    “Oh really, how about you and I go
outside and I show you some fucking discipline?” Mattie snarled the question,
her rage completely out of place in the pleasant hotel suite.
    “Hey, it wasn't like that,
seriously,” Cash tried to intervene.
    “You don't have to say that,”
Mattie said, poking Miles again. “I know what these scum are like.”
    “I can assure you,” Miles said.
“You have no idea what scum like me are like. Now kindly remove your finger
from my chest.”
    Mattie cocked her head. “Or what?
Are you going to hit me too? Is that what you do when people don't do what you
want? You hit them?”
    “I won't lay a finger on you, Miss
Dwyer,” Miles assured her. “Not without permission.”
    “Permission from who?” Her face was
still all twisted up, her voice high with outrage and incredulity.
    He nailed her with a look. “You.”
    “Oh.” She stopped and dropped her
hand. “Ohhhhhhhhh.” She looked from Miles to Cash. “Ohh, okay, I see what this
is... you two are... mm hmm... okay. Kinky.” Reaching up again, Mattie brushed
off the spot where she'd poked Miles. “Sorry about that.”
    “Kinky?” Cash looked confused. Miles
could almost see the innocence falling away from her in Mattie's presence.
    “I hope you're not in the habit of
picking fights with people twice your size,” Miles said, ignoring Cash's
question. “We don't need anyone making trouble.”
    Mattie shrugged and put her hands
in her pockets. “Maybe sometimes I say some things I shouldn't.”
    “Definitely you do. You'll have to
rein that in.”
    “Okay, fair call, Muscles,” she
said, retreating from his personal space.
    Miles shot Kevin a dark look. He
was not impressed. Even if Mattie wasn't strictly his problem, it didn't mean
she wasn't capable of causing problems for Cash. The fact that she seemed to
realize she'd been out of line was but a small comfort. Mattie obviously had a
temper and some serious issues to back it up with. She was the one thing Miles
really didn't like – a complication.
    At the first available opportunity,
he drew Kevin aside. “Get

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