Rogue Powers

Rogue Powers by Phil Stern

Book: Rogue Powers by Phil Stern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phil Stern
young, strong man in military uniform, staring out at the horizon. Behind the man was a girl, watching from behind a tree. Clearly the girl was fascinated by the soldier, though he didn’t know she was there. Within the picture itself the trees and grass glowed a verdant green, the sky a vibrant blue.
    “Thank you.” Absently taking the picture back, Lydia studied it another moment, touching up some detail on the boy’s sleeve.
    “Why are there gold stars coming out of his head?” Sitting down on the bed, Aprina stroked the young tabby cat.
    Lydia shrugged. “Heathrow likes it.”
    “Heathrow’s a cat, dear.”
    “So?” Turning to look at her mother, Lydia smiled. “He has opinions too, you know.”
    At one time Lydia’s amazing ability to communicate with animals was a cause of concern. Might she someday decide animals were better company than people, retreating into a sheltered, inner world? But so far Aprina’s fears had been groundless. In fact, Lydia was very popular and well adjusted, clearly understanding the difference between beast and human society.
    Still, there were times when Aprina wished her daughter possessed a singular, mundane talent, like that of her friend Belle. Very few royals had two abilities, marking her as both very sensitive and unusually powerful. Such things didn’t go unnoticed in royal society.
    Glancing once more at the drawing, Aprina again wondered at the significance of the gold flakes around the boy’s head, creating almost an aura. Instantly, she thought of the King’s minions prowling the castle, living among them in supposed secrecy.
    “Lydia...” Voice trailing off, Aprina leaned over to stroke her daughter’s cheek. “Do you ever sense anything unusual in the staff around the castle here? Perhaps soldiers or cooks?”
    “You mean power? Like we have?”
    “That’s right, dear.” Surprised at such a direct response, Aprina nodded. “People trying to hide what they are.”
    “Of course.” Lydia looked down into her lap. “They don’t want anybody to know, but I can always sense them.”
    “I see.” Taking a deep breath, Aprina sat back. “Honey, those people aren’t our friends.”
    “I know.”
    “Oh. Good.” Trying her best to smile, Aprina nodded at the sketch again. “Have any of them followed you, or questioned you? Maybe that boy in the soldier’s uniform you’ve drawn there?”
    “No.” Lydia now looked at her mother directly. “Don’t worry, Mom. I can spot them all a mile away. I won’t talk to them.”
    “Oh.” This was no false modesty, Aprina saw. Spotting Demons was child’s play to her daughter. “And the boy there, is he one of the King’s spies?”
    “No, Mom. Not at all.” Now Lydia smiled, hugging Heathrow to her chest. “He’s just a drawing. Nobody in particular.”
    “Oh, that’s good.” Aprina still felt there was more to the sketch than Lydia cared to admit, but there seemed little point in pressing.
    Apologizing to Heathrow, Lydia put the cat carefully on the floor, turning fully to face her mother. “Mom, do I have to marry a royal cousin?”
    Surprised by such a question from her normally level-headed daughter, Aprina answered carefully. “Well dear, when the time is right, and you find someone you like. Why are you asking me this now?”
    “Well, I was wondering if I could marry anybody I choose? Maybe even someone from the villages?”
    “You mean a commoner?”
    “Maybe.” Solemnly, Lydia nodded. “Something like that.”
    “Well, Lydia, if you didn’t marry one of your royal cousins, there would be far less chance of your children ever having any power. They’d be dull, like the commoners. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”
    The girl shrugged. “I guess not.”
    “Oh, my dear, when the time is right, you’re going to have a wonderful marriage! And lots of powerful children.” Smiling once more, Aprina stood. “But not for a few years, at least.”
    “All right, Mother.” Lydia

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