ROMANCE: Gone Cowboy Wild (THREESOMES, MENAGE, BBW Book 1) by Ashlynn Cox

Book: ROMANCE: Gone Cowboy Wild (THREESOMES, MENAGE, BBW Book 1) by Ashlynn Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashlynn Cox
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The Job
    Nash King took off his black cowboy hat and ran an arm across his forehead, which was beaded with sweat. He licked his dry lips, but it hardly did anything to quench his thirst. With a run of his hand, he slicked back his blond hair and placed the hat back on his head. He glanced at his cousin, Ricky King; if the man got any redder in the face, his head would pop off.
    “What do you mean you gave our bunks away, Luke? You knew we were comin’. We called you two days ago, right before we got on the train to come to this blasted place!” Ricky yelled.
    The older man, Luke, stood behind the fence post, a wood toothpick at the corner of his mouth. He gave a grunt and squinted at both of the young men. “Don’t know what to tell you. Two guys came by before you. First come first serve. Sorry you missed out this time. I betcha find something else. Now, git off my property.”
    Ricky kicked the ground with his steel-toed boot. A dirt cloud rose into the air.
    “C’mon, Ricky, let’s get out of the dang sun. I’m dyin’ over here.” Nash walked away from the old guy’s ranch. He knew better than to test the man. He always carried a Colt 45 on him, and he was not afraid to shoot a couple of freelance ranch hands.
    Vast fields of tall, untamed grass surrounded them for miles. It would be a while before they’d reached the town.
    Ricky caught up with him in no time. “I want to punch something right now!”
    Nash smirked. “Just make sure it ain’t me, got it?”
    “How are you not as mad as a hornet?”
    “I ain’t happy, but there’s no use cryin’ over spilled milk. We’ll just have to look for a different job out here. We can’t go home with Granny expectin’ help for the winter. We owe it to her for raisin’ us.”
    “We’re late to the season. We were countin’ on that old fart. If she hadn’t had that heart—”
    “Don’t you even go there. You know it ain’t her fault for being’ sick. That’s why we gotta work hard out here, so we can take her off the neighbour’s hands and get through the winter.” Nash reached down into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a crumpled mess of cash. Ricky did the same. Neither of their wads could be called recognizable money for very much longer.
    “I have ten, you?” Nash asked.
    Ricky frowned and shoved the wad back into his worn jeans. “Five. We can’t live off this for very long.”
    “It’ll buy us some jerky and somethin’ to drink. I bet we’ll hear somethin’ about someone havin’ work for us.”
    “Let’s hope, or we’ve screwed ourselves good.” Ricky took his hat off and ran his hand through his ebony hair. “I need somethin’ to drink, somethin’ fierce. Let’s get to town and quick.”
    “We’ve got at least ten miles to go. Hope they go by fast.”
    Ricky, with the back of his pocketknife’s blade, popped the cap off his ice cold cola and took a swing before biting a chunk out of his jerky. “That hits the spot,” he said with a grunt. He glanced at his cousin, who sat next to him on the cracked sidewalk. “Find anything?”
    Nash ruffled the paper and sighed before handing over his drink for Ricky to open. “Nope. Real slim pickin’s. We could check the post office. People post job fliers in those places all the time.”
    Ricky stood and let out a belch. “Mmmk. Let’s go check out the post office then.” He took another swing of his soda and helped Nash up off the ground, only to let go of his hand a second later. Nash fell back onto the concrete and glared at his cousin. Then he saw what made the man let go. A young woman walked by, her black hair in braids and her dress shorter than they had ever seen on a woman. “Dang, this town sure does have some nice sights,” he said loud enough for her to hear.
    She glanced over her shoulder and gave him a smirk while putting her hand on her hip. “Uh, you go to the office without me. I’ll be around in a bit.”
    Ricky walked over to the woman and

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