into the office.”
Hesitantly, I walked into his office and he closed the door behind us. Strangely, he was smiling.
“Let me start by offering you apology. I shouldn’t have treated you so badly. I’ve learnt my lesson and I am striving to be a better manager.”
“Um…” my mouth dropped open, “Ok. Thanks. Apology accepted.”
“I should have treated you a lot better. I am a man of few mistakes, but I made a mistake the other day. And to fix this, I insist on giving you your old job back. Additionally, I am giving you a 2 dollar raise.”
The shock was soon replaced by joy.
With shock on my face, I stared at him for a while, trying to compute what was happening. But then I jumped up to hug him tight enough so that he could barely breathe.
“All right, all right! You’re squeezing me! I'm suffocating!” he laughed.
I laughed loudly as well.
But I didn't know what emotion should I really have - sorrow or happiness. The large smile on my face was balanced by the tear rolling down my cheek.
“But why the change of heart?”
“Well, we have a new owner.”
“A new owner? I’ve only been gone for a two days,” I asked confused.
“This man has enough money to make things happen very quickly. And he put an offer in for the restaurant on Sunday, and they signed the paper worked yesterday. He paid well over the predicted price for the restaurant.”
“Are you still going to be the manager?” I asked Andrew.
“I think so. I meet the new owner and he didn’t make any mention of changing my position. He did make one special request though.”
“What was that?”
“That I hire you again. And give you a pay rise.”
“Me?” I was surprised, “Why would he ask for that?”
“He knows you apparently.”
“Knows me?” I didn’t want to ask the next question that is on the tip of my tongue, but I had to, “Who is it?”
“Damon Walters.”
Chapter 10
A week after the weekend I was trying to forget, I was serving the exclusive tables at the restaurant.
There were too many people in the restaurant that night. I didn't stop serving plates for over three hours and although the tips were good, the work took a toll on my body. My arms and legs felt like lead weights and my joints were stiff as a board.
My head was down, focusing hard on my job, but I heard the statement that I didn’t want to hear.
I had hoped that if I didn’t think about it, the problem would go away. That’s how I always deal with problems. And it had been working for the past week.
“Hello Damon,” Andrew stated in his deep voice.
I freaked out, frozen in place.
Time stopped ticking past.
My ears were concentrated on Andrew's voice. Although I was expecting it eventually, I couldn't believe what I had heard.
My cheeks flushed red.
My heart was pounding.
My limbs were weak.
I turned to the door's direction and saw Damon’s strong, tall figure dressed in a perfectly fitted expensive suit.
When his eyes looked over in my direction, I quickly went back to serving people, pretending I didn’t see him.
But the sweat began to drop off my brow and my body was heating up.
How could one man control me so much?
How could one man own me like that?
“Hello, Abbey.”
It was definitely his voice.
His seductive, sexy, smooth voice.
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and kept them closed for what seemed like an eternity.
Finally I turned and looked at him…
He was smiling, which was reassuring, but I was still uncomfortable.
“Welcome, sir. There's a free table right in the corner. Please sit down and I will bring you the menu.”
He laughed aloud and put his hand on my shoulder, “Actually I came to talk to you. Do you have a moment?”
“It’s really busy today, sir,” I was trying to come up with excuses.
I didn’t know if I could stand being in a room alone with him. My heart could
Jackie Ashenden
Rhonda Nelson
Chris Marie Green
D.K. Holmberg
Jeff Abbott
Bret Wellman
M.P. McDonald
Laura Elliot
R. T. Kaelin
Ann Granger