Rough Edges

Rough Edges by Shannon K. Butcher

Book: Rough Edges by Shannon K. Butcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon K. Butcher
something has changed.”
    â€œLike what?”
    â€œLike what happened with Adam.”
    â€œIt wasn’t that big of a deal.”
    â€œIf you knew her history, you wouldn’t say that.”
    â€œSo enlighten me.” Snooping was generally a disgusting habit, but Victor forgave himself because lives were on the line. If there was something he needed to know, it was best to find out now while there was still time to make preparations to deal with it.
    Payton shook his head. “No. That’s too much a breach of trust even for me. She already hates me enough. No sense in throwing fuel on the fire.”
    â€œIf I need to know—”
    â€œYou don’t. All you need to know is that she’s not as tough as she would like us all to believe. I used to step in and help her shoulder the burden of running this place, but she’s shut me out. I can’t help anymore. I can barely get in the front door.” Payton gave Victor a hard stare. “You have to be there for her now.”
    â€œWhy me?”
    â€œBecause she has no choice but to let you in. I cut her off from my money, so she was forced to accept the contract that compels her to keep you on staff.”
    â€œI’m not here to babysit one woman. My orders are to help locate Stynger and take her and her work down. I’m not paid to do your dirty work.”
    â€œIf Bella cracks, this whole place will go down with her. No more front for you or Norwood to do what the powers that be so desperately want you to do. If he was here, he’d order you to keep an eye on her. If you don’t believe me, ask him. I’ve known the man for more years than you’ve been alive. I’m sure about this one.”
    Victor didn’t doubt it. And as much as he hated the idea that Bella might be in a mentally precarious situation, he knew he could help. She was strong. She could get through this. All she needed was a man with the balls to make her do the right thing.
    Right now, that man was him.

Chapter Seven
    B ella stumbled through her impromptu employee meeting as fast as she could, then headed back to her office, where she could hide for a few minutes and calm down.
    Was Payton right? Could the response she’d had to Adam be a sign she was cracking? Or was it just a random throwback to a time when she was her old self, completely incapable of fighting back against a bigger, stronger opponent?
    She wasn’t sure which she preferred. Both were enough to mess with a woman’s head, and right now she needed her wits about her.
    Gage was still missing. She’d thrown him to the wolves and she couldn’t help but wonder if he hadn’t been eaten alive. Even the thought was enough to make her blood go cold and sluggish in her veins.
to find him. Fast. Something deep in her gut told her that his time was running out. Assuming it hadn’t already.
    She rounded the corner to her office. Her secretary, Lila, sat at her desk, her standard uniform of oversize drab brown clothing in place. Bella had no idea why the woman felt the need to continue hiding from an ex who was dead, but she’d remained timid and mousy long after she should have been bouncing back from her abusive relationship.
    At least there were no tearstains on her ugly shirt today. Bella didn’t think she could handle witnessing sweet Lila’s pain on top of everything else.
    She stood as Bella passed, handing her a chilled bottle of water. There were signs of nervousness in Lila’s stance. Her hand shook slightly around the water bottle, making the surface ripple under the bright office lights. “There’s a man in your office. He’s here about a new contract for his employer.”
    â€œI didn’t know I had an appointment this morning.”
    â€œIt was on your calendar.”
    â€œI don’t remember seeing it.”
    Lila’s nervousness increased until her whole body was shaking. If Bella

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