Rough Road

Rough Road by Vanessa North Page B

Book: Rough Road by Vanessa North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa North
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handsome and sleepy, it makes me wish I were a photographer so I could capture that veiled promise.
    “C’mere, S-Class,” he growls, pulling my groin flush to his. I wrap my arms around his neck and indulge in some serious morning making out. He kisses me deep and slow, like he wants it to last, but our hips rocking together and his hands on my nipples hurry us right along until I’m panting, holding back my orgasm by sheer force of will.
    “Eddie? What the hell, man?”
    Ben’s voice from behind me is like a bucket of ice water dumped on the bed. I stop rutting against my fine new friend and roll to face my confused best friend.
    “Darling, if you’re going to burst into my boudoir on a Saturday morning and interrupt the proceedings, have the decency to do so naked.” I glare at him and raise a pointed eyebrow at his board shorts. He blushes to the roots of his hair, but he glares back.
    Board shorts. I glance at the date on my watch and sink back down onto the bed, a blush of my own stealing up my face. “I forgot, didn’t I?”
    “Ya think?” he growls. “Dave has the Nautique tied up to your dock, Ridley is doing something probably illegal as fuck on a jet ski in front of your neighbor’s house, and I just came in here to help you load your shit into the boat. I wasn’t expecting to interrupt Kinky Eddie’s youth outreach program!”
    “Hey, asshole.” Wish sits up in bed and he looks mad enough to spit, his face turning red. “Show some fucking manners and go wait outside.”
    To my utter shock, Ben shuts his mouth and backs out of the room, closing the door behind him.
    “Please tell me that is not your boyfriend.” Wish pinches the skin at the top of his nose and peeks at me from between his fingers.
    “Worse.” I collapse against the pillows with a thump . “ That is my best friend, Ben. And he’s having a thing today, spending the day on the lake with family and friends, to celebrate being sober for nine years. And I forgot because . . .” I gesture between us, letting the words hang in the air.
    “Dude.” Wish slumps beside me.
    “I know.” I bury my face against his shoulder. “He’s not really an asshole, you know.”
    He runs a hand through my hair. It makes me want to snuggle closer. “He probably wouldn’t be your best friend if he was. I was hoping to spend the day with you.”
    The day, the weekend, as much time naked as we could manage, it all sounds wonderful. But Ben . . . “He’s family. You know how it is with family.”
    He smiles at me then. “Yeah, family is important. Kinda weird meeting them when they barge into the bedroom in the middle of sex though.”
    I can’t help it, I laugh. “Awk-ward.”
    He laughs too, a funny, snorty laugh that suits him perfectly, but then he asks in this tiny, hopeful voice, “Can I come?”
    I sit up straight. “You want to, really?”
    “I want to hang out with you.” He shows a flash of teeth. “And if you’re celebrating Big Ben’s sobriety, I am too.”
    A little piece of me I didn’t even realize was frozen melts under the force of that.
    “Yeah, lovely. You can come. Want to borrow a bathing suit?”

    I’m not one to brag—okay, that’s a lie, I love to brag—but my date looks amazing in a Speedo. When Wish comes out of the en suite with his bulge on full display in teensy orange trunks, it’s all I can do not to wrestle him down to the bed and keep him there for a week. But Ben’s outside, and the rest of my little family is waiting for us, so I leer a bit instead.
    “I cannot believe you wear these.” He gives my ass a once-over. “And have them in a variety of colors. You know your thighs are still striped. Everyone will be able to see them.”
    I can’t help smirking. “That’s the intent, isn’t it? What’s the point of being an exhibitionist if you don’t, you know, exhibit ?”
    He shakes his head in this completely adorable he-wishes-he-were-exasperated-but-he-just-can’t way. “Come

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