which had been placed.
    We had been doing great until we crossed Ricardo and he caught on to what we were doing.
    His idea of re tribution had been forced marriage.
    I had been forced to marry him and my best friend Roxanne had been shipped to his little brother Antonio in NY.
         “Rubia, Rubia, ven por aqui.”
    I heard the common nickname that was used for me due to my blonde hair; in short, it translated: “Blondie.” The people in this part of the world would yell it out to me when they wanted my attention but didn’t know my name.
    My husband used it as a term of endearment.
                 I made my way over to Jaun Pablito, a small boy of only nine, or ten, and fell onto the soft grassy terrain.
    I grabbed my water bottle taking a drink as I eyed him. Evidently this was where the kids played futbal (soccer)
    “The word in the streets is that you married Ricardo Ramirez, is true; or no?”
    “Wow, word travels fast here.” I thought.
    “Si its true little man.”
    Juan’s chest appeared to poke out a little in pride; due to the reference of being called a man.
        “He is a very dangerous man, do you know this?”
    He spoke to me as if we were long time friends. He had met me the first day that Roxanne and I had gotten here , and he had always gone out of his way to speak whenever he saw me out.
    “Yes Juan, I am aware of that.” 
    It isn’t like I had a choice!
    “There is his right hand man up there,” Juan stated: nodding towards the ominous SUV parked up on the hill.
    I jumped up making my way towards the SUV.
    “Bye, Rubia.”
    Goodbye Juan,” I shouted out over my shoulder as I ran.
    I yelled out in the driver’s direction, “Catch me if you can, jerk!”
I couldn’t resist the temptation of yelling out.
    I made my way through back streets and alleys .
    I knew it would be hard for the large vehicle to maneuver in them.
    A part of me just wanted to antagonize him .
    I already knew how controlling men in this region could be, and Ricardo was already showing signs of fitting the bill.
    If he thought that I was going to give in to his every whim; he had the wrong girl.
    I never have been one to go down without a fight.

Chapter Four
            “Hay muchas problemas Señor, muchas problemas!”
    The driver informed Ricardo, as if offering an excuse for my bad behavior.
    I brushed my way past a very angry Ricardo as I laughed.
    “ You’re damn straight that I am a lot of problems!” I thought to myself.
          I slammed her bedroom door open and reveled in the terror that I saw in her eyes, as she backed away until she ended up on the bathroom floor with her knees huddled up against her body.
    “You dare to toy with me? Do you think that this is some game? Do you mistake me for one of your weak men ; that you manipulate and steal from?”
         “What do you expect you bastard, you kidnapped me, imprisoned me, and forced me to marry you; you thug!”
    “You have no idea!” I growled , reaching down and wrapping her shirt in my fist, as I lifted her right up and into my face.
    She began beating her fists against my chest, screaming at me and sobbing.
    Suddenly, I felt something that I had never felt for anyone but my little brother, ‘empathy.’

                I guess that he let me beat against his chest until I wore myself out. He leaned down picking me up in his arms cradling me and I fell into chest quietly sobbing. I was now seeking solace in the arms of a man who had taken me against my will and forced my hand in marriage.
    I was too tired to see the irony of my behavior now; perhaps later. Nothing at this point of my journey made any sense.

           She sobbed in my arms like a baby, while I stroked her hair; soothing her until she fell asleep.
    I quietly lay her on the bed and turned

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