Chapter One
           I crouched in the corner of the jail, as I timidly eyed the man in front of me. Maybe he wouldn’t be so intimidating if he wasn’t dressed in full combat military fatigue.
               “Are you ready to begin your life as my wife, or do you yet choose to live in this filth? Juanita, you have been here three weeks and a mansion awaits you, be reasonable.”
    It was true, I had been living life as a prisoner; his prisoner for three weeks and it felt like I had been here six months.
    I was tired, hungry , and going crazy cooped up in this cage, nothing could be worse than this.
    I hung my head with no fight left in me and agreed to marry a complete stranger.
    My marriage consisted of a justice of the peace, Ricardo’s maid; and our two signatures; not quite the elaborate fairy tale wedding that I had fantasized of as a child…

                My room was a flurry of servants when I awoke the next day and escape was the first thing on my mind, but right now escaping into a hot shower would have to do. I took my time allowing the warm water to run down and over my sore muscles; muscles that were sore not from fatigue, but from lack of use.
    I exited the shower and ran my hand over the fogged up mirror. I looked pale and I could tell that I had lost weight due to my jail time served. Maybe I coul d talk some sense into this guy; surely he couldn’t be serious about me staying in this marriage.

               I eyed my little victim as she exited the bathroom. She wore nothing but a boy short set and I could already feel a stirring in my loins. Yes, she was every man’s dream in my part of the world.
    Tall with long perfectly shaped legs and creamy white skin that made you want to reach out and run your han ds over it.
    Her blonde hair lay over her shoulders in natural curls, only highlighting the hazel eyes that she had. I wondered if they changed colors the way that I had heard that American women’s eyes do at times. Did they change when she was angry?
    But even more so , I wanted to know what they looked like when they were glazed over with lust.
           “You are not to dress like that when the maids and bodyguards are in your presence, Rubia.” I couldn’t help but wonder why I felt jealousy course through my being and I didn’t even know this woman.
         “This coming from a man who abducts women and threatens them into forced marriage?”
          I rose from my chair and made my way to a woman who feigned much more confidence than I knew that she was feeling at the moment. This was going to be fun…

Chapter Two
                      I could literally feel my knees shaking, as I strained my neck to look up at the man, who brought new meaning to the word, ‘intimidating.’
    He stood at well over six feet and though he was dressed in blue jeans and a crisp white shirt today , he still commanded respect due to his intimidating presence.
          His coal black hair gave off hues of blue due to the bright Guatemalan sun which now freely streamed in through the window.
    His eyes looked like black unforgiving orbs that would show no mercy towards their prey.
    His skin was the color of coffee and cream and though it was smooth, the scar that ran from the corner of his eye and down his cheek spoke of a man who had battle scars and still stood victorious.
    His body that he now had pressed against me; as he pulled my head back by a handful of hair, was rock solid and immovable.
           “You would do very well not to cross me Rubia, this is not America, and due to your

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