the door from closing and locking, Ricky led the way down the corridor to another room. He knocked loudly, then stood back and placed his hands on his hips.
    Sam, bare-chested with a towel around his waist, idly rubbing his closely shorn scalp with a second one, opened the door. “Yeah?” When he spotted Rueben, he grinned. “Hey, congrats, man. We’re all happy for you and Lamar.”
    Completely confused, Rueben’s brows drew down. “Huh?”
    “You and Lamar. Your mating.” Sam leaned out the door, peering down the hall. “He still in your room?”
    “No, he’s not in my room,” Rueben snarled. “Lamar hasn’t spoken to me in three days. Where is he? He talked as if he wanted a repeat fucking, then disappeared after heading here to take a shower. If he’s changed his mind, he should be man enough to tell me to my face.”
    Sam’s skin paled under his tan. “What? I haven’t seen him, either. Me and the guys just figured he was holed up with you in your room.” He shrugged, looking a bit uncomfortable. “You know…getting to know each other.”
    “Wait…a…minute,” Ricky drew out his words, drawing both men’s attention. “Rueben and Lamar’s mating ? What are you saying, Sam?” Ricky turned his frown on Rueben. “What the hell have you done? I told you to stay away from him!”
    That earned Ricky a fierce glare from Sam. “You warned your brother away from Lamar? What the hell for?” he growled.
    Ricky crossed his arms over his chest for the second time and his eyes narrowed as he sneered, “That should be obvious.”
    “Hey,” Rueben yelled. “What the hell are you both talking about? Where’s Lamar?”
    “Damn it,” Sam mumbled. “Get in here.” He opened the door wide and stepped backward. “We gotta talk.”
    Rolling his eyes, beyond confused and frustrated, Rueben hobbled forward. “Right.” Once the door closed, he demanded gruffly, “Tell me what the hell you two are going on about.”
    Sam sighed. “You better take a seat,” he said, waving toward one of the small chairs.
    Rueben frowned, but after looking at his brother—who continued to frown, but nodded—he did as Sam said. Ricky took the opposite chair. Once seated, he waved his hands in a well, now what motion and lifted one brow.
    Sitting on the bed five feet away, facing him, Sam stared at his hands where he had them clasped between his knees for several seconds. Finally, he lifted his head, pinned a hard gaze on Rueben, and stated, “I’m a shape shifter. So is Lamar. I turn into a Texas longhorn bull. Lamar turns into a peacock. Each shifter has a soul mate out there somewhere in the world. We only get one, true soul mate and we search our whole lives for that person. You are that soul mate for Lamar.”
    From Sam’s very first sentence, Rueben felt his mouth drop open and there it had stayed through the entire spiel. This guy believes he can turn into a bull? And Lamar can turn into a peacock? A freaking peacock? Really? Disbelief flooded Rueben. “What the hell are you trying to pull?”
    “It’s true,” Ricky hissed, leaning close. “I’ve seen them change. Why do you think they wouldn’t let me leave? I had to accept not only what I’d seen, but the fact that the world is better off not knowing these guys exist.”
    “That’s why I thought you and him were holed up together,” Sam said. “I thought Lamar would be explaining all this since you’re bonded and all.”
    “Bonded?” That didn’t sound good. Trepidation replaced the disbelief in a hot flash. “What the hell does that mean?”
    Sam rubbed his hands over his face, his thumb tracing his scar for a second or two. Letting out a low breath through slightly parted lips, he muttered, “Damn it, Lamar, what the hell are you doing?”
    After growling a little, perhaps having some kind of internal debate, Sam told him, “Look. You really need to discuss this with Lamar. Suffice it to say, some of Lamar’s cum ended up in your, uh,

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