Ruled by Love

Ruled by Love by Barbara Cartland

Book: Ruled by Love by Barbara Cartland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Cartland
white and the gilded canopy over the top of the four-poster bed was carved to represent flowers and angels.
    â€œI think you will love this room, Udele.”
    â€œIt is certainly much nicer than the room I have been sleeping in!”
    The housekeeper was waiting to hear their approval of the rooms.
    Zoleka said to her with a smile,
    â€œThank you very much for getting the rooms ready so quickly. Tomorrow the Princess and I would like plenty of flowers, I always feel lost without them.”
    â€œI will see to it myself, Your Royal Highness,” the housekeeper replied.
    Zoleka was about to return to her own room when Udele asked her,
    â€œWhat are you going to wear tonight? I am afraid that I shall look very dull in comparison, as all my dresses are so old and shabby. I have not had anything new for a very long time.”
    â€œWe will go to the shops tomorrow. Meanwhile, as we are about the same size, I will lend you a dress to wear this evening – otherwise you might feel embarrassed.”
    â€œIf you are as smart as you look now, I should feel very embarrassed! I have nothing but the dull afternoon dresses I changed into for tea with my governess.”
    â€œCome into my room and let me choose an evening gown for you,” suggested Zoleka.
    She turned to the housekeeper.
    â€œI would like you to come too, so that you can help Her Royal Highness into it.”
    When Marla heard what was wanted, she produced a most attractive blue gown of Zoleka’s, who often wore it when she dined alone with her father and wanted to look pretty but not over-dressed.
    Udele was delighted with it.
    â€œWhen you have put it on, come back and Marla will arrange your hair in a different way. Now you are so grown up, you will have to take a great deal of trouble over it, but I expect there is a good hairdresser in the City.”
    â€œThere is, and he has come to the Palace once or twice, but only to do the hair of some grand guest who was staying here.”
    â€œWe will send for him tomorrow and he must think out a new and smart way of arranging your hair.”
    Her father had told Zoleka that Udele had Russian blood in her, and her rippling, glossy dark hair and large deep brown eyes reflected her heritage.
    Her complexion was pale and clear and she looked very young.
    However, Zoleka was certain that when Udele was dressed up and her hair well arranged she would appear not only more sophisticated, but also extremely beautiful.
    She had not appreciated when she first met Udele how striking the contrast between them was.
    Zoleka had inherited her mother’s golden hair and blue eyes, as well as the pink and white complexion that is always associated with English beauties.
    But what made her so very unusual was the sparkle in her eyes and the joie-de-vivre , which seemed to vibrate from her like a ray of sunshine.
    Time was passing and she thought it would be very rude to be late for Prince Majmir.
    She hurried over her bath and let Marla choose the gown she was to wear – it was a very pretty pink one and as it was pink it was a compliment to the Rose room.
    She put on her pearl necklace and the two diamond bracelets her father had given her, twisting them on her wrist to remind her of his kindness and great love and to give her confidence for the evening ahead.
    She thought when she looked in the mirror that she looked Regal enough and hoped that Prince Majmir would appreciate her.
    Udele came running in through the boudoir to join her.
    She was looking so totally different from the rather crushed and badly dressed schoolgirl of Zoleka’s arrival.
    â€œLook at me! Look at me!” she cried as she came into the room. “Do I not look smart?”
    â€œYou look very lovely, Udele, and that is how you will always have to look from this moment on.”
    Udele put her head on one side.
    â€œI doubt it, if I only have one dress to wear,” she quipped, stroking the soft fabric of her

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