Running with the Horde

Running with the Horde by Joseph K. Richard

Book: Running with the Horde by Joseph K. Richard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph K. Richard
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quickly opened the refrigerator door. This proved to be very foolish when I was overcome with the smell of spoiled food. I slammed the door shut and turned to vomit in the sink.
                  The soda, I’d so delightfully consumed, came back up with acidic force burning my sinuses and giving me one of those eye headaches a person usually gets after eating cold food too fast. After the soda and bile were out, I continued to dry heave into the sink. The smell from the fridge was bad but I think I had over done it from a stress perspective as well and it was catching up to me. I would have given a lot for an ice cold glass of water at that point.
                  When I finally collected myself, I moved on to search the cupboards and pantry and was delighted to find quite a lot of canned goods and even some gallons of water.
                  I tore into the water right away only pausing to rinse out my mouth before drinking my fill. Then the cramps came. I was suddenly very hot and felt cold sweat pop out on my forehead. I ripped off my stocking cap and sat against the wall breathing deeply.
                  The water in my stomach was threatening to make an encore appearance in the sink but in a few moments the cramps subsided as my stomach stretched and I was able to calm down. I had just learned another valuable lesson about what happens when you gorge on an empty stomach.
                  It was time to get moving again. I figured it would take me a few trips to get all the food back to my house so I loaded up my pack with as much as I could carry and made my way back home.
                  I was so happy to find it unmolested I couldn’t stop smiling. Aside from the quasi-killing, I was having a really great night. I was safe and I was going to eat! Even the killing seemed less important as the night continued to play out. But that is the nature of the survival monster, kill or be killed! The only moment I need to worry about is the present moment. Everything else can suck it.
                  I consolidated what would have been five or six trips down to three by bringing extra bags. I didn’t worry about zombies, I didn’t even think about them which could’ve been really stupid but I survived the night.
                  After getting all the food and stuff, I decided to search more carefully for guns or other supplies I might be able to use.
                  In one of the back bedrooms I found the place Dave tried to hold off the zombies. I wondered how he became separated from Brenda during those last frantic moments. Did he watch her kill herself or did that happen later? I tried to imagine the terror and panic they felt but I found I couldn’t. This was a sad testament to the tenuous hold I had on my humanity.
                  There was a shotgun on the floor. It was one of those big bastards that could hold up to five shells. I admired the dull black metal of the barrel and stock before slinging it on my back. It was perfect. I also located a box of shells and a holster for the big revolver I’d taken from Brenda.
                  When I finally unloaded all of the booty from the Robertsons into my house it had to be getting close to midnight and I was very tired. I just wanted to lay on the floor and sleep but first I had to eat.
                  I looked through my newly acquired goods and settled on a can of corn and two cans of chicken. With my can opener in tow I headed out to my porch. I was getting more comfortable being outside but I still brought the shotgun.
                  The food was heavenly, even raw and cold. I can still remember popping the corn kernels between my teeth and how good the juice tasted. As I slowly ate (I’d learned my lesson from my water guzzling fail), I kept coming back to poor old Dave and Brenda. I felt really bad about how they

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