Sabrina (Big Sky Dreams 2)
because Jeanette isn't open all week, the woman also asked Jessie if she could use her."
    "Did you meet her?"
    "No. I know her name is Bri, and I was there when she came to see Jessie this afternoon. Jess was up to her ears in customers and hired her on the spot."
    "Where is she living?"
    "I didn't get that far."
    Patience thought about this for a moment. Both Jessie and Jeanette hired this woman. That in and of itself spoke volumes. Patience could hardly wait to meet her.
    "I need an ax," the man said, and Sabrina came up from the floor where she had been kneeling, her mind scrambling.
    "I believe they're over here," she said, hoping she was remembering right. She led the way, her mind intent on her task, but the man had not followed. He was distracted by something he'd spotted
    54 on a shelf. Sabrina took that time to locate the axes, grabbing two different types and taking them back to the aisle with the dry goods and clothing.
    "How are these?" Sabrina asked.
    The man turned as though just seeing her but was immediately taken with the axes.
    "We have the heads and handles separately too," Sabrina said, having noticed this on the shelf.
    "Where are they?" the man asked as if she was hiding something from him.
    "This way," Sabrina said, stepping back this time and waiting for him to lead the way.
    "Oh, no," Hannah said to her mother at the counter.
    "What's the matter?"
    "Bri got Macky."
    "Oh, no," Jessie echoed. "What does he need?"
    Hannah smiled before saying, "Everything in the store."
    Jessie tried to look stern, but in truth that was the type of customer he was. He always paid in cash and never quibbled about the price, but he always came in looking for one thing and left with everything but that item. And always on their busiest day, taking everyone's time and energy.
    "I'll go," Hannah said, but Jessie stopped her.
    "I think Bri will be all right, but let me know if you see something."
    "Mama." Clancy was suddenly at her side. She was Jessie's younger. "I need this."
    Jessie looked down at the small hair comb and worked not to smile. Clancy had very fine, flyaway hair.
    "Why do you need it?" Jessie asked.
    "For my hair."
    55 "I know it goes in your hair, but-" Jessie started and stopped. This was a new phase for her daughter. She was suddenly aware of things in the store and was sure she "needed" them.
    "I'll tell you what," Jessie went for the compromise. "Put it right here in the basket under the counter, and when the store closes, we'll talk about it."
    "You won't sell it?"
    "I won't sell it."
    "It's time to go," Hannah said to her mother and sister.
    "All right. Have fun with Patience, and stay right together all the way there and back."
    "Jeb always walks us home," Hannah assured her, and Jessie bent to kiss both girls goodbye.
    She was glad they were going to spend the afternoon with Patience. Most days she would miss them around the store, but this was Saturday, and there was no time for missing anyone.
    Sabrina walked back to Jeanette's that evening with coins in her pocket. This was Jessie's routine, to settle up with her employees on Saturday when the store closed. She even went so far as to tell Sabrina she could plan on Saturdays each week and any Mondays and Tuesdays that were busy enough. Sabrina was well pleased with this plan and knew that for the moment she would have enough to live on.
    "Well, Bri!" Heather said when the younger woman came in the front door. "What did you do with yourself this afternoon?"
    "I worked for Jessie at the mercantile."
    Heather's mouth opened. It was the last thing she expected. "Did Jeanette know about that?"
    "I don't think I mentioned it. It wasn't a certainty until today." "Are you tired?"
    "A little."
    "Well," Heather said, trying to recover-this woman was more
    56 independent than she expected-"Becky almost has supper on. You can rest your feet and tell us about working at the store."
    Sabrina thanked Theta's faithful companion, suddenly missing Callie and

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