Sabrina (Big Sky Dreams 2)
the way she had taken care of her. She went to wash for the meal, thinking she must be more weary than she realized as she was strongly tempted to cry.
    Sunday morning did not go well. Theta had a rough go of things, and Heather didn't even attempt to join Jeanette and Sabrina when they left for church. As it was, the two women were late. They slipped into the rear of the sanctuary, glad there was an open spot near the back, and sat down just as a song ended.
    Sabrina was taking in the room, the neat pews and tall windows, when Rylan stepped into the pulpit. Sabrina stared at him, just keeping her mouth closed. After a moment, even though Rylan was speaking, she leaned toward Jeanette.
    "Is that the pastor?"
    "Yes. Rylan Jarvik."
    "Does he have a brother who works at the livery?"
    "No, it's the same man."
    Sabrina had to think about this. She didn't know why she was put off by this, but she was. It was simply so different from Denver. Why did this man have to work at the livery? She didn't know pastors ever did that. Sabrina sat thinking about this for a long time. And in that time, she missed most of the sermon.
    "Bri, THIS IS CASSIDY. She's married to Trace."
    "It's nice to meet you," Sabrina said, still not sure what she thought of all of this. Danny had said there was a fine church family, and Sabrina had liked everyone she'd met, but she hadn't planned on the pastor being a livery worker. And huge into the bargain. He didn't look like a pastor at all.
    "Are you enjoying Token Creek?" Cassidy asked, and Sabrina forced her mind back.
    "I am, yes. I find that I like small towns," Sabrina said, realizing how true it was. It was fun to have a few dozen streets and know that soon nearly every face would be familiar.
    "And this is Jeb and Patience Dorn," Jeanette said next, turning to the couple that had come up. "This is Sabrina Matthews. She goes by Bri."
    "It's nice to meet you, Bri." Jeb put his hand out. "I'm Jessie Wheeler's cousin. I saw you at the store."
    "I remember," Sabrina said, liking him very much.
    "And how did you like the store?" Patience asked.
    Sabrina smiled. "It was interesting. And busy!"
    58 "Always on Saturday," Patience agreed. "Sometimes Jeb helps out as well."
    The five of them talked for a while before Trace came looking for Cassidy. Jeanette invited them for dinner, but they had plans. The two women ended up walking home together, and for some reason, Jeanette could not bring herself to ask what Sabrina thought of the morning. There was a note of disquiet about her that Jeanette could not decipher. Sabrina had not shared her story with Jeanette, but she sensed that the younger woman shared her faith in Christ. She knew better than to make assumptions, but there was something humble and open about Sabrina that caused Jeanette to think she believed.
    However, she had not seemed to enjoy the sermon. She'd been very still, opening her Bible only at the end, and hadn't even tried to sing the closing song. She seemed to like the people she met, but Jeanette could tell there was something serious on her mind.
    "Are you all right?" the older woman finally asked. They were on Jeanette's front walk and Sabrina had come to a stop.
    "I think so. I suddenly miss my church in Denver."
    "Anything in particular?"
    Sabrina looked at her, wondering how honest she could be.
    "I guess I'm just a little confused. Why does your pastor work at the livery?"
    "Because we're a small flock, and even though the families give generously, they don't have a lot of excess. Rylan has never wanted us to be taxed with giving for his salary."
    "So he wouldn't have enough to live on if he didn't do that?" "That's right."
    Sabrina's heart twisted with compassion. She still didn't know if she was comfortable with this new pastor, but she certainly understood not having enough money.
    "Does it bother you that he works at the livery?"
    Sabrina bit her lip and admitted, "He doesn't seem like a pastor to me."
    Jeanette had to smile

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