Sacred Bloodlines

Sacred Bloodlines by Wendy Owens Page A

Book: Sacred Bloodlines by Wendy Owens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Owens
Tags: Fiction, Coming of Age
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to meet you.”
    Gabe considered everything he had seen and heard since he met Uri the night before.  He could not understand the connection to him or how everyone appeared to know about him.  
    “Excuse me,” Gabe began.  “I’m sure you can understand when I say everything I have been told up until now seems, in itself, pretty spectacular.  To be honest, as I said before, it’s hard to believe.  I don’t understand where I fit into this equation.”  Gabe looked down at the ground as they continued to walk, not wanting to look Michael in the eyes.
    “I guess I just want someone to explain why I’m even here.”  Gabe added as Michael came to a stop.  Realizing Michael was no longer at his side Gabe halted and looked back.  Michael stood there looking at him, at a loss for words.
    Michael then rushed up to Gabe and placed his hands on his shoulders.  He looked into his eyes and with a soft but direct tone said, “Gabe, you can’t see it?  You are one of The Guardians.  A very important one we have been waiting for, for a long time.”
    Gabe was suddenly locked in Michael’s stare.  
    “What?  No, I can’t be.  I’m sixteen years old.  My parents...”  Gabe thought of his parents and their tragic death, hesitating for a moment.  “My parents were humans.”
    Michael smiled which gave Gabe a little comfort.  
    “Gabe, except for the original guardians we all were born of human parents.  What make us special are our bloodlines.  Your great, great, great grandfather died a year before you were born.  With his death, the ancestral line was activated.  You were the next born in his line, which meant you were destined to take his place.”  Michael dropped his hands from Gabe’s shoulders and looked off into the distance, whispering just below his breath, “and for so much more.”
    Gabe had heard Michael’s mutterings but was trying to absorb being told he was a Guardian.  
    “I don’t see how...”  Gabe felt his legs begin to wobble.  “I’m just a...”  His thoughts were jumbled and he had trouble finding the right words.  Seeing that Gabe was trembling with shock, Michael grabbed his arm and led him to a nearby stone bench.
    “Gabe, everyone is overwhelmed when they first learn about who they are.”  Michael reassured him.
    “Wait,” Gabe said looking at Michael.  “You mean all of these kids here are Guardians?”
    “A few,” Michael said looking up at all the young people who had returned to what they were doing moments ago.  “There are those who have different paths than guardians.  Ultimately we have all come together to join in the fight against the evil of the world.”
    “So they all came to you the same as me?  An orphan?  None of them knew who they were or what they were until they met you?”  Gabe asked, intrigued by the idea of other people traveling the same path as him.  He had gone through life with an immense feeling of being alone up until now.  Even if it was a messed up connection, it was something.
    Michael thought about the question for a moment.  “I guess it depends on the individual.  Many of these kids have come from a lot of different places and situations.  But yes, several are similar to yours.  A number of Guardian’s families stay on here and help with our needs for generations after their bloodlines have been activated.  But it is a very reclusive life and hard for most to make the choice to stay hidden.”
    “Can they leave whenever they want?”  Gabe asked.
    “Well,” Michael began.  “In order to keep our secret it is necessary for us to wipe all knowledge of the manor from their memory.  Then they are allowed to leave and start their own lives.”
    “You erase their memory?” Gabe said in a disgusted tone.
    “It’s not as bad as you might think Gabe,” Michael said defending their methods.  “They go into the world with memories of their friends and family, just any recollection of the Guardians or

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