Sacred Bloodlines

Sacred Bloodlines by Wendy Owens

Book: Sacred Bloodlines by Wendy Owens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Owens
Tags: Fiction, Coming of Age
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that a Guardian died, a member of his or her sacred bloodline would receive the calling.  These hybrids of mankind and angels were blessed with divine abilities to help them in their quest to battle creatures from the underworld.  With each generation the bloodline has weakened and their life cycle shortens.”
    “Shortens?  How long do Guardians live?”  Gabe asked, immersed in the tale Michael was spinning.
    “The original Guardians lived nearly a thousand years.”  Michael replied.  “Once the bloodlines were mixed with humans, the life cycles began to be anywhere from two hundred to three hundred years, depending on how diluted the bloodlines are.  Of course there are always exceptions.”
    “So how old are you?”  Gabe asked with a slight chuckle at the end.
    “I will be three hundred and fourty-six years old next week.”  Michael replied.  Gabe was shocked the man could say it with a straight face.
    “Wow, you really do look amazing for your age.”  Gabe added, annoyed that he was being toyed with.
    “A Guardian doesn’t age the same way humans do.”  Michael explained, ignoring Gabe’s taunts.  “Most of us remain young in appearance until we die.  It’s one of our abilities.  Gabe, I know this is all very hard to accept but if you give us time, we can show you we are telling you the truth.”
    Gabe was still trying to wrap his mind around the possibility of living for hundreds of years when Michael continued his story.  
    “The mission of the Guardians is to protect mankind from the forces of hell.  A Guardian is to preserve free will and avoid allowing humans to see anything super natural while helping them on their quest for divine knowledge.”
    “A quest for divine knowledge?  Sorry, but I never knew there was such a quest.” Gabe found that as Michael spoke he had more questions rather than less.
    “There is a battle over mankind’s eternal souls.  We protect them so they can learn enough to make a decision on what they believe.”  Michael explained.
    Michael sat watching Gabe’s reaction.  Gabe just stared off into the distance as he tried to process all of the information. 
    “Do you have any other questions so far, Gabe?” Michael finally asked.
    Gabe had a mountain of questions.  It was hard to narrow it down to just one.  When he agreed to come here last night, the last thing he had expected to be told was that there were angels and demons running around the earth battling it out for mankind’s souls.  
    “So are you saying Uri and Sophie are several hundred years old?”
    Michael laughed lightly, sliding the book completely into Gabe’s hands and standing to retrieve his pipe.  
    “No, no... They are still aging normally and will continue to until their late teens.  That’s usually when we see the aging process slow.” Michael replied.  “Guardians became mortal when they were placed among mankind.  We do have long lives, but in the end we all die.  There are no original Guardians left.  The old folks like me have an important job and that’s to prepare the next generation.”  
    Gabe looked up at Michael, completely overwhelmed and confused by what he was being told.  Seeing Gabe’s state, Michael suggested a break.  
    “We have one of the most amazing cooks.  I am sure you have never tasted such delicacies.”  
    Gabe thought about all the unanswered questions he had but the growls of his stomach were immediately outweighing any of them.  He nodded and stood, placing the oversized book onto the couch.  He followed Michael from the room, visions of sticky gooey pastries playing out in his mind.

Chapter Five
    Gabe followed Michael outside and across the courtyard.  He squinted as the sun glared down on them.  With each step, he could feel everyone around them stop what they were doing and watch.  
    “Don’t mind them,” Michael said, glancing at Gabe with a smile.  “You have to understand, they’ve been waiting for some time

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