San Antonio Rose (Historical Romance)
lay her head on his shoulder and tell him all
her troubles.

    What was wrong with her?
    Emerada knew she couldn't trust him. She
sensed that behind that polite smile there was
something hard and dangerous. She felt a
tightening in her chest. He wanted to destroy
her-she could feel it. And he might just succeed if she wasn't careful.
    Domingo waited by the horses while Emerada
entered Houston's headquarters. She could see
the tiredness in his eyes as he offered her a
wooden chair.
    "No, I won't be staying that long."
    "I'm sorry I wasn't here to receive you. But
urgent business called me elsewhere."
    "I know," she replied, wondering if she
should go on trusting him. "You were visiting
with the Cherokees to enlist them in your
    He looked at her in astonishment. "How
could you know that?"
    "It is nothing so mysterious. My bedroom
window overlooked your parade ground and I
overheard two men talking. Did you have any
luck with the Indians?"

    He raised his hand and shook his head. "You
probably already know the outcome of the
    She shrugged. "I was not spying on your
men, if that is what you think." She moved
closer to him. "But you have been spying on
me. I am not sure I want to help you because
you broke trust with me."
    Houston glanced up at her in surprise. "I can
assure you I did nothing-"
    Emerada held up her hand to silence him.
"Do not try to tell me that your claw, or whatever you call Ian McCain, has not been spying
on me. I know he has."
    "Please be seated so I can explain. I didn't
break my word to you." He looked sheepishly
at her. "Though I did send Ian to find out about
you, I did not tell him about the arrangement
between us. He knows nothing about that."
    She sat down, wanting to believe him because she needed him as much as he needed
her. "Are you being truthful with me?"
    "As God is my witness. You have to admit
that you gave me very little reason to trust you.
I had to know who you are."
    "And did the Raven's Claw find out my true
    Houston chuckled. "He said all he could
learn about you was that you were the most exciting dancer he'd ever seen and that your
name is Emerada."
    Her heart was warmed by the account of Ian's praise, and she lowered her eyes so the
all-knowing Houston would not see how
pleased she was. "Did he tell you anything

    "He believes you are Santa Anna's mistress,
and he confessed that you saved his life. The
one seems to contradict the other."
    She stood and moved to the door. "Next time
he is caught, I will make certain that Santa
Anna shoots him."
    "Will you still help me, senorita?"
    "Will you still send your claw to spy on me?"
    "I can't promise not to."
    She paused as she pondered her words. "Had
you promised you would not spy on me, I
would not have believed you. Since you have
been honest with me, I will help you... for the
time being."
    Houston looked weary as he lowered his tall
frame into a chair. "Thank you, senorita. I need
all the help I can get."
    "Be warned, Senor Houston, Santa Anna will
not stop until he sees you dead. He is not a
man to give up. He has an ego that must constantly be fed. Your death will be a splendid
banquet for him."
    "So you met him for the first time in Presidio
del Rio Grande?"
    "Si But I am going to meet with him when I
leave here. I will contact you if I find out anything important."
    "Be careful," he warned.

    She worked her fingers into her gloves. "I can
take care of myself. By the way, Santa Anna is
on his way to San Antonio de Bexar."
    Sam Houston shot up like an arrow from a
bow. "Are you sure of that?"
    "I am sure. He not only told me, but I have
this." She handed Houston a piece of paper.
"Can you read Spanish?"
    "Not so well," he confessed.
    She spread the paper on the table. "I will
translate it for you. Although it is not a very detailed account, it contains some disturbing
    "Please read it to me."
    "It says that the first column is under

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