San Antonio Rose (Historical Romance)
window ledge,
resting her chin on her hand, watching only
him as he instructed the men on how to load
their guns and fire them while running. He was
a good shot, hitting the target every time.
    Emerada wondered where he was from and
what had brought him to Tejas. She could tell
that he was a gentleman, even though he chose
to treat her with disrespect. She was not very
good at distinguishing the differences between
Americans accents, but Ian's speech was similar to Houston's so she assumed that he must
also be from the South.
    After a while Ian left, and Emerada lost interest in the soldiers. She hurriedly dressed in
her riding skirt, determined to escape the confines of the small room.
    Later she rode along a country lane, taking
in the beauty of the land. No matter where she
traveled, Tejas would always be the home of
her heart, although when this was all over she
would leave and never return.
    Sometimes she was so confused. Tejas belonged to Mexico, so that made Mexico her
country, and yet she could not condone the
governments treatment of its citizens, any
more than her father had.
    She sighed and set her mouth in a stubborn
line. She knew what she had to do, and she
would not stray from her chosen path. She would see her plan through to the end-either
hers or Santa Anna's.

    Emerada felt better after her ride. She left her
horse with Domingo and went directly up the
back stairs to her room.
    It was stifling in the small bedroom. She
pulled her blouse away from the waistband of
her skirt and removed it. Next she slipped her
skirt over her hips so she could wash her body,
hoping it would cool her overheated skin.
    She was startled when she heard a male
voice coming from the chair in the corner, and
she spun around to face the intruder.
    "Honor dictates that I reveal my presence before you reveal too much of your... presence?"
    Emerada grabbed her blouse and held it in
front of her. "How dare you come into my
room uninvited?"
    Ian suppressed a smile and slowly drawled,
"I beg your pardon. I did knock, but when you
didn't answer, I tried the door, and it was open.
You shouldn't leave your door unlocked,
senorita. No telling who might wander in."
    "Like you?" she asked vehemently.
    "It was not my intention to intrude. I merely
wanted to tell you that Houston is expected
within the hour." Ian knew that he could have
sent anyone to deliver the message, but he'd
wanted to see her again. He had to admit that
he was as infatuated by her charm and beauty as any inexperienced lad would have been. "I
knew you wanted to be informed of his arrival."

    Her grip tightened on the blouse. "You have
given me the message; now leave!"
    He smiled. "You have nothing to fear from
me, little heartbreaker. I just wanted to tell you
about Houston."
    He reminded her of a caged animal as he
prowled the length of the small room and
stopped near her. Emerada drew back until she
was pressed against the wall. "Please leave,
senor. As you see, I am not dressed to receive a
gentleman caller."
    There was something in her gaze that astonished him-fear. Did she really think he would
ravish her, or was it an act to show that she was
innocent? He decided it was an act.
    His lip curled in scorn. "I suppose a man
would have to be a president to claim your affections?"
    "In your case, it would not matter what your
rank was," she replied angrily. "I would not
have you."
    His mouth twisted briefly, and he shifted his
stance. "I believe I have been put in my place."
He bowed his head and retreated to the door.
"We shall meet again, Emerada-depend on it.
And who knows, you may change your mind
about me."
    After he'd gone and closed the door behind
him, Emerada found that her heart was flut tering like the wings of a trapped bird. She
had never had such a strange reaction to any
man. For some reason she could not understand, every time she encountered Ian McCain, she either wanted to scratch his eyes out

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