poisons. Not even the Others, and they'd been engineered to survive.
    Bannon rolled his thick neck, popping the joints. The noise brought Roark out of his musings. He glanced at the two soldiers covertly, then moved behind his large desk and sat. There were two metal seats opposite him, but he didn't ask either officer to sit. He thought it best they stand until their haziness passed. Roark pressed a black button to his right and the door to his office closed with an audible hiss. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."
    "Anytime, sir," Bannon said, stepping away from the window to stand at attention in front of him.
    Catherine shook her head and pressed a hand to her temple. She followed behind, her movements sluggish.
    "Am I keeping you awake, Private Meyers?" Roark asked.
    "No, sir. Sorry, sir. I just have a bit of a headache."
    Roark ignored her statement. By the time they left, they'd both have migraines. "I wanted to check to see if you'd be available for security duties. I'm thinking about doing a tour of the republics and could use a couple of experienced team members to guard my back."
    "Yes, sir. Anytime you want," Bannon said. "I have to clear it first, but I don't think that would be a problem. I have a lot of time saved up."
    "Good, Lieutenant."
    "I'm sorry, sir," Catherine said, interrupting the men. "But I'll have to also check with the commander to see if I can get the time off. To be honest, I doubt he'll grant it. I only have seven days saved."
    "I understand, Private Meyers. I wouldn't need much of your time. A few days here and there are all. Your job with the tactical team would obviously be your first priority. You know how much I respect the team and what they stand for."
    "Yes, sir. I've read about your service record. It's impressive." Catherine squeezed her neck and winced. "But let me make sure I understand your offer. You want me to work security for you?"
    "Yes, Private. I do."
    "No disrespect intended, sir, but why did you pick me? I mean it's not like I'm a senior officer. I've only been on the team for a few months. How did you even hear about me? I haven't exactly made a name for myself at headquarters."
    "Don't question the politician," Bannon hissed, shifting the bundle in his arms. "He's going to be our next great leader." 
    Roark smiled. "It's okay, Lieutenant. Private Meyers has every right to ask. To answer your question, I think it's best to have an experienced officer along with a new recruit. Shows the people that I can relate to all walks of life, not just the ones influential enough to contribute to my campaign. Not to mention you're one of the few women on the tactical team now that Gina Santiago no longer works for IPTT."
    Bannon tensed. Roark noted it, but didn't say anything. He'd obviously hit a nerve. He was convinced more than ever he'd made the right decision when he chose to gas them. Catherine was too smart for her own good and Bannon obviously had some emotional connection to the target. Whether it was positive or negative remained to be seen. Either way it might work out to Roark's advantage later.
    "Do you really think you can unite the republics and convince them to allow you to lead?" Catherine asked. "They seem pretty happy as self-governing entities. I've never known anyone who'd willingly give up power. What you're talking about could start a war." She tilted her chin to look him in the eye. The slight movement caused her to rock forward. She quickly stepped back into place.
    "Sometimes it takes conflict to bring about change," he said, picturing the new world order. All the republics united under one pureblood banner with him at the top, running the show. "But hopefully it won't come to that. Hopefully the republics will see reason. I can be very convincing, if I do say so myself." And when that failed, he had no problem resorting to violence. Roark leveled his gaze on her. "If I didn't

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