Scarred Hearts (Blackrock)

Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) by Elizabeth Kelly Page B

Book: Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
Tags: Fiction
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"are you ok?" I ask. She giggles and says yes then she tells me that she designed the college course kiosk two years ago when she was in high school because she was tired of having to go hunting for her books all over the store.
    I look at her with my mouth hanging open, "Seriously" I say. "You designed that," I ask incredulously. "Don't look so surprised Bailey, I am not a small town hick you know". "What, no I didn't mean it like that". "I know, I am only pulling your leg," she laughs again.
    "Oh" I look over at her and smile. "I know what you are thinking but you are wrong" I raise my eyebrows at her, "I did design the machine, I am just pulling your leg about the small town hick thing" she says.
    Oh shit, I think to myself maybe I did peg this girl all-wrong. We sat there on the window seat watching all the people collecting their books, we began making up stories about each person and were guessing what classes they were taking. After about thirty minutes our names were called, we walk over to the counter and both receive a pile of books. I pay the cashier with my dad's credit card and take my now three bags of books.
    Paige and I walk outside into the sunshine, "So what are doing for the rest of today?" Paige says to me. "I was going to go home and chill, put all this stuff away" I say. Her face falls a little "ok then, I am happy to have helped you" she says. I feel bad, I don't just want to run off now that she helped me but I want to go home and get organized. I am standing on the street facing her with my hands full of bags, which are starting to hurt. "Hey are you living on campus?" I ask her. "No I have an apartment just on the South side of the campus, you?"
    "I live with my dad up at lakeside" I say nodding in the direction of where our house is.
    "That's cool," says Paige. "I better get going" thanks for your help, I'll see you around" I say and smile at her. "Sure no problem, see you around, laters" she says and starts to walk away. I make my way back over to my car and pop the trunk. As I am lifting my bags inside I hear a motorcycle pull in beside me, I look over as the driver steps off the bike and removes his helmet. Shit! TDH is standing there fixing his hair, he turns around and sees me at the trunk "Sweet ride" he says nodding at the car. "Yeah thanks" I manage to get out. He smiles and starts to walk backwards; "So you not goanna run away again?" he asks smiling at me.
    I lower me head behind the open trunk and I hear him laughing at me, a deep throaty laugh. I scowl at myself and wait until he goes into Gorges bar. I quickly slam the trunk and hop into my car. I arrive home after about ten minutes; I decided to drive the speed limit. I unload all my stuff from the trunk and struggle inside. When I enter the kitchen I see dad writing a note, he looks up and helps me with my bags. "Jesus Bailey what did you buy?" I plop the books on the table and stretch out my hand. "I picked up my books today and some clothes, I had to use your credit card for the books cos I didn't have enough cash on me" I tell him.
    "That's ok sweetheart, that is what its for" he begins to pack some papers into his briefcase. "Are you ok dad, you look a little stressed" "Sorry Bailey, I have to head out to DC early, my chief engineer broke his wrist playing football with his son" he says.
    "Oh ok" I say. He sighs and gives me a hug "I am sorry, I wanted to be here to see my baby go off to college on Monday". I smile back at him "I know dad, but your business is important so you need to go". "Yeah I do, you can use the credit card while I'm gone, just don't go wild I am not that rich" he jokes. "I have left a list of phone numbers there on the table if you need anything here in town. Call my assistant Ms. Quinn and she will help you out". " I should be fine," I tell him. He gives me another big hug and a kiss on the head "Ok sweetheart, I will talk to you soon. Enjoy college and keep the grades up or I'll have to take that car back"

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