Scarred Hearts (Blackrock)

Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) by Elizabeth Kelly

Book: Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
Tags: Fiction
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everything into two suitcases and one of those is still packed.
    I heft the case up onto my bed and unzip it; I start taking out all of the clothes I just threw in there. I find a black and white knit top that Summer had loaned me for Easter to go with my black leather jeggings. I remember when I bought them; Summer and I had a moment of madness and decided we were going the leather route. She bought a pair for herself but ended up not liking how they made her ass look so she gave me her pair too.
    Now I have two pairs but mine have a rhinestone design on the back pockets. I wore them to Brad's Easter party, he told me my ass sparkled when I walked, and it was probably meant to be a compliment but just didn't sound right.
    As I am pulling out my clothes I hear the doorbell ring, I wasn't expecting anyone because usually no one ever rings the bell. I come down the stairs and open the door, "Bailey Mortenson" the guy asks, "Yeah that's me" "Sign here, delivery for you". I sign the delivery slip and look over his shoulder; my heart nearly stops when I see my shiny new Camaro sitting on the back of a flat bed truck. I watch the guy lower it to the ground; he pulls it forward and parks it.
    I run over to him when he steps out of the car and hands me my keys. "Thanks" I say grabbing the keys. He salutes me and gets back into his truck and drives off.
    I am so excited I jump up and down, my car; I put my arms across the hood and give her a hug. Running back inside to put on some shoes because I am taking this baby for a drive. When I reach my room my phone is ringing, I slide the screen to answer it "Hello". "Hi Bailey, its Cindy Anderson" says the voice. "Oh Hi Mrs. Anderson, how are you?" I ask. "I am good Bailey, I just wanted to call you to let you know that I am clearing out Summers things and found a box of photographs of you guys and a letter for you". A letter, my heart freezes in my chest and it is hard to think with the pounding of blood in my ears, "Oh umm yeah sure" I say.
    "That's great, do you want me to stop by this afternoon and drop them off?" she asks. Oh crap I never told her I left town. "Actually Mrs. Anderson I don't live in Grove anymore. I moved up to Blackrock to live with my dad" I tell her. "I couldn't stay there anymore, every time I went into town or just being in my own house made me feel like a part of me was missing".
    "That's ok Bailey I understand, that is why I am calling you too, Summer's dad and I have decided to sell the house and move on, the memories although good are too much right now". We talk for a few more minutes and I tell her I decided to go to college up here and give her my dad's address, we say our goodbyes and she promises to send me her new address so we can keep in touch.
    I decide I need to take the car for a spin and to get out of the house for a bit. I start up my car and just listen to the throaty sound of the engine for a minute; I plug my iPod into the USB port and let it play. Driving into town at record speed loving my new car, its smells all new and clean and yummy. I slow down as I reach downtown, there is a lot more cars here than usual so I end up parking at the end of the strip by Georges karaoke bar. I get out of the car and lock it with a beep.
    As I step up onto the sidewalk the door to Georges opens, I look up to see TDH coming out of the door wearing a black t-shirt that clings to his biceps as he brushes his hand through his hair, I never noticed his body last time, he looks muscular and hot not to mention HOT. I think I am going to have a heart attack. His hair looks different from last time, it's longer at the top and short on the side's maybe he got a trim. He is standing there in front of me watching me staring at him. He crosses his arms over his chest which causes all kind of muscles to bulge, "See something you like Darlin?" he asks me cocking his eyebrow. I look into his green eyes and I swear my heart is fighting me to break loose of my chest.

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