Scent of Triumph
    Danielle’s intuition prickled on the back of her neck. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”
    “Darling, we just have to have patience with the British authorities. We, or they, may have a plan.”
    She felt like screaming. Struggling against the rising tide of emotion she felt, she managed to say, “But patience can cost the lives of our family.”
    Max gripped the mantle and shook his head. “Actually, there is another way.”
    She sat with her arms crossed, glaring at him, fighting to suppress her impatience. “What does the British government have to do with us?”
    “There may be a way to contact Mother through them.”
    “How?” The edge in Danielle’s voice made him turn around. She stood with her hands on her hips, shoulders squared.
    “Well? Tell me.”
    He closed his eyes for a moment, passing his hands over his face. “I wanted to protect you from all of this. I tried to protect everyone, and look where we are.” He waved his hand around the room, then let it drop. He sighed, then straightened, and nodded to himself. “All right, Danielle, but what I am about to tell you requires the absolute utmost in secrecy. Do you understand?”
    “Go on.”
    “It involves your brother.”
    Danielle felt her heart pounding.
Why couldn’t he just get to the point?
Her voice rose with agitation. “Jean-Claude? But he’s in medical school in Paris, how can he help us?”
    “Shhh.” Max held a finger to his lips and moved close to Danielle. He continued in a low voice. “He has connections.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “During his visit this past June, do you remember his friendship with Katrina, my secretary’s niece?”
    “Of course, but how is this important?”
    “Jean-Claude helped Katrina’s family escape from occupied Czechoslovakia and cross into Portugal, from where they sailed to the United States.”
    Danielle took a step back, shaking her head in confusion. “My brother was responsible? Why didn’t I know this?” She narrowed her eyes.
    “No one was to know. Jean-Claude is involved with underground networks across Europe that work against Hitler’s regime. He helps free innocent people. Your brother has a deep sense of justice.”
    A silence hung between them, the clock thundering with each passing second.
    A shiver ran down Danielle’s spine. True, Jean-Claude’s concern for human suffering led him to the medical field. “But his studies....”
    “What he does now is not so very different. It is dangerous, but he is saving lives, just as surely as a doctor saves lives on the operating table.”
    “I–I had no idea.” She thought she and her brother shared everything.
What else didn’t she know?
    Max took her hand. “Europe is connected by cells of people like your brother, people who have the courage to help others in need, people who devote their lives to end Hitler’s advances. You should be proud of Jean-Claude, but we must keep this confidential. His life depends on it. Not even his wife or your parents know about this, especially not your father. I swore on my life to keep his secret.”
    “Hélène doesn’t know?” Danielle frowned. “No, I guess Jean-Claude wouldn’t want to worry her, she’s so busy with little Liliana. And Papa—”
    Max cut her off. “As long as your father’s bank continues to finance Germany’s industrial expansion, he must never know about Jean-Claude’s activities.”
    “But Papa is just one of many board members. He says it’s only business.” Her head pounded as she pieced together information, and her heart sank at her realization. “Who knew that the bank’s funds would be used for munitions, to mount an army to advance against other countries?”
    She pressed a hand to her mouth, remembering. “Jean-Claude thinks Papa’s job is a betrayal of Maman, of us, and of all those of Jewish heritage.”
    Max’s lips formed a thin line. “Jean-Claude is right.”
    Sorrow ached in her limbs, but now she

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