Scorpio's Lot
now been taken away
from me, as were my mother and father. At this moment my life is at its lowest
point and all I have left is my stepmother.’
    A short interlude followed Brigit’s
sudden outburst. Forbes then resumed his questioning. ‘What can you tell me
about James Slattery?’
    Brigit’s reaction was one of
surprise. Her eyes widened at the mention of his name, followed by a frown that
suggested some uncomfortable association. Forbes sensed the negative reaction,
suspecting that Brigit had not anticipated this line of questioning. She
hesitated at first, as if searching for the correct words.
    ‘James and I used to be an item,
you might say, but he became very obsessive and it reached a point where he saw
all other men as a threat. It was a ridiculous situation that was starting to
get out of hand, so I called the whole thing off, telling him he was immature
and to stop messing around with my friends. He gave poor Jake a hard time and I
prefer not to have anything to do with him these days.’
    ‘What can you tell me about your
    ‘At times I despise that woman
for her resentments. Always picking fault and trying to turn me into something
I’m not. Helen’s been trying for years to send me to boarding school in the
city but I’ve always refused to go. She’s forever creating this false image to
impress others, which is something I detest. She married my father around
eighteen months after the death of my mother and their marriage lasted for
three years before my father died of cancer. I’m sure he only married her so I
could have a legal guardian to protect my interests. There’s no denying Helen
married for money. You only have to look around today to see what that legacy
has brought her.’
    ‘But surely your stepmother must
have her good points,’ enquired Forbes.
    ‘I won’t deny she does want the
best for me, but it’s the way she goes about it and the stupid pretences to
impress people that I can’t handle!’
    The detectives could see Brigit’s
emotional stress resurfacing. Forbes decided they had discussed enough during
their first interview.
    ‘This is all becoming too
traumatic for you, so let’s stop here and we’ll continue at a later date.’
    ‘Yeah ... I’m finding it
difficult to cope, because all I do is lie here and think about different things.
If I was up and about then it might be easier.’
    ‘Very well,’ Forbes said. ‘Let’s
resume our discussion in a day or two. We’ll be on our way now.’
    ~ * ~
Road was situated on an elevated site around one kilometre inland overlooking
the distant bay. The property sat beside a heavily timbered area currently
being cleared to make way for a new housing development on the edge of town.
This particular address appeared to Forbes to be one of the original
residences, given the maturity of the garden surrounding the house. A young man
of shrewd appearance and lean build was waiting on the verandah when he and
Marsh walked up the steps.
    Following the introductions,
Forbes said, ‘James, we need to ask you some routine questions in relation to
the death of Jake Reynolds. Would you please tell us what you know about Brigit
    James hesitated. He wondered
where this line of questioning was headed. His distrust of the law was nothing
new and the sudden arrival of these out-of-towners was no exception. His
approach was cautious but direct.
    ‘Until around five months ago,
Brigit and I had a relationship which lasted just over a year. It had its highs
and lows like most and to a degree we both had our faults. Brigit was selfish
and had a very stubborn and argumentative nature. I was very possessive of her,
but with good reason,’ said James.
    ‘Can you elaborate?’ enquired
    ‘Brigit could be easily led at
times and unfortunately she fell in with the wrong group. These bastards
persuaded her to become one of their

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