SEAL for Her Protection (SEALs of Coronado Book 1)
over her lips in a truly innocent gesture—that was her story and she was sticking to it—and dipped the spoon in her ice cream again. She needed to steer this somewhere safe or she’d be jumping his bones in another minute.
    “I’ve always wondered,” she said, purposely ignoring her ice cream for the moment. “Do you stay together as a Team on one base the whole time, or do you change duty stations regularly like everyone else?”
    “We tend to be together on one Team for most of our careers,” he told her. “It allows us to build those bonds I mentioned and helps us get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. There are ways people can request a transfer to another Team if there’s a personality clash leadership simply can’t resolve. But that’s pretty rare.”
    Hayley was relieved to hear that. She’d had a purely selfish reason for asking. If she fell for Chasen, she didn’t want him bailing after a month or two.
    Hayley would have asked more, but the big popup screen at one end of the park suddenly lit up with the opening scene of Top Gun and music filled the area amid cheers. She set her empty plastic bowl on the blanket beside her and scooched closer to Chasen. He took the hint, placing his equally empty bowl on the blanket and leaning back so she could cuddle up close beside him and rest her head on his shoulder. It was a bit more forward than she might get on most first dates, but she was seriously attracted to Chasen.
    While the movie was intriguing and would have definitely held her interest any other time, it was difficult to pay attention to what was happening on the big screen when she was this close to a real life hero as hunky as Chasen. So near the water, the air took on a slight chill and Hayley shivered a little from the cool breeze. The little black dress had been perfect for dinner, but it was a bit short for an outdoor movie. Chasen wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her even closer. She snuggled up to him, lifting one leg and draping it across his hips.
    Yeah, that produced some serious heat for her.
    She spent most of the movie enjoying the feel of his body where it touched hers, not to mention the feel of his fingers lightly caressing the bare skin of her arm. She almost sighed as a warmth she hadn’t felt in a long time started between her legs and spread from there.
    She wasn’t the only one aroused. She could feel Chasen’s hard-on under her thigh. It was all she could do to not wiggle her leg a bit, just to hear him moan.
    Hayley was wondering how much more she could take when Chasen sudden rolled over and she found herself flat on her back, her Navy SEAL leaning over her with a smoldering, hungry look in his eyes.
    When his head came down, her mouth automatically tilted up to meet his. The kiss was gentle at first, but then became more urgent as she reciprocated with a passion matching his.
    He tasted so good it was hard holding back a moan, but she did. No matter how aroused she got, they were in the middle of a hundred and fifty people in a very public place. Even so, she reached one hand up into his short hair and tugged him close, letting him know without words he’d better not even think of stopping.
    His tongue toyed with hers, turning her on so much she almost said the hell with her standard rule about no sex in public. The urge to drag him on top of her and wrap her legs around him was almost impossible to resist.
    Somehow, they both behaved, simply lying there on his blanket necking like two kids at a drive-in movie. But it was hard. And so was he for that matter. Something told her when they finally got somewhere private, they might burst into flames on the spot.
    Hayley wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or bummed when the movie came to a close near midnight.
    Chasen pulled back to rest his forehead against hers as the credits rolled on the screen. “I guess we should get out of here.”
    “I suppose,” she agreed.
    But neither of them

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