Seaside Secrets

Seaside Secrets by Cindy Bell

Book: Seaside Secrets by Cindy Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Bell
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thought of something and hurried back to the envelope to grab the photographs. She held one of the photographs up to the clean patch on the window.
    “ Looks like it could be the same angle,” Mary said thoughtfully.
    “ So, it was Harry who took these photos,” Suzie said with a shake of her head. “He must have taken them from here. What was he seeing that was so important to him?”
    “ Maybe it was just the emotions they were displaying,” Mary suggested. “Perhaps he thought of it as an interesting photographic opportunity.”
    “ Yes,” Suzie nodded a little. “That's possible. I can see that the first photo would capture an artist’s interest. I'm not sure what to think about the rest.”
    “ Well, I can tell you this much, the cleaner I have on hand is not going to get these windows clean. I think we need to go into town for some more heavy duty supplies,” she frowned.
    “ All right, we could use a break anyway,” Suzie shrugged. “Maybe we can get some coffee at the diner.”
    “ Anything to get my mind off Kent's phone calls,” Mary sighed as she followed her friend out the door.
    “ Has he been calling you again?” Suzie asked with surprise. It was the first her friend had mentioned it.
    “ Yes, he's insisting on knowing where I am, and what I'm doing, and when I'll be back. I just sent him a text to inform him that he no longer needed to know those things once he filed for divorce,” she rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Never again, Suzie. I know you tried to tell me the first time, but please, if you see me falling head over heels for someone just smack me.”
    “ I promise,” Suzie laughed as they drove towards the center of town. A part of Suzie felt a little saddened, however. Despite having many boyfriends over the years Suzie had never met a man who she was interested in spending more than a few weeks with. She couldn't comprehend the idea of inviting someone into her life on a permanent basis. She chalked it up to her being a private person, but sometimes she wondered if she was missing out on something. After seeing what Kent had put Mary through, it was hard for her to believe that any relationship was worth that kind of pain.
    When they reached the hardware store to pick up some cleaning items and other supplies, Suzie did her best to put those thoughts out of her mind, and cheer her friend up instead.
    “Look, Mary, a new hairstyle?” she suggested as she plopped a bright blue mop on the top of her head.
    “ Hmm, I like the color, the texture not so much,” Mary laughed out loud. The owner of the hardware store eyed them warily from the counter.
    “ Watch out now,” Suzie called out before firing a few sponges in Mary's direction.
    “ Suzie!” Mary huffed as she picked up the sponges. Instead of setting them back on the shelf however, she threw them right back. Soon the two were giggling and avoiding the disapproving glare of the store owner. It felt like they were kids again, finding any way possible to have fun. Suzie noticed that it chased away some of the sorrow from Mary's warm brown eyes. By the time they had all the supplies they needed the store owner was more than happy to see them go.
    Mary and Suzie were still giggling to each other when they stepped out of the hardware store. Suzie was startled when she saw the same black sedan she had seen at the diner before, parked right behind her own car. A man was standing beside the car, dressed in a very nice suit, his wavy , gray hair swept back neatly. Jason, in full uniform, was standing in front of him on the sidewalk and they seemed to be talking very heatedly about something.
    “ Jason?” Suzie called out as she walked towards him. Mary took the bags that Suzie was carrying from her so that her hands would be free.
    “ Not now,” Jason said darkly as he glanced over at her and then back at the man before him.
    “ Jason,” the man said in a disapproving paternal tone. “Don't be rude.”

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