Second Chances

Second Chances by Randi Cardoza

Book: Second Chances by Randi Cardoza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Cardoza
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mounting his horse. Toby handed Molly to him and saluted before going back into the stables and out of the rain.

They reined the horses and headed towards the woods. They rode at a fast clip and were there before they knew it. The cliff rose up and Shawn stopped the horse feet from the edge. Kenzi stopped and nearly jumped from Tempest to get to Molly.

“Jump Kenzi. The water is calm right now and we won’t have another opportunity if we don’t go now,” Shawn said pushing her towards the edge while he still held Molly in his arms.

Kenzi walked to the edge, took a breath, and jumped. The water closed over her head in seconds and then she was up and climbing onto the rocks to inflate the raft. Shawn and Molly dropped into the water and surfaced moments later.


Chapter 10

The group of girls ran silently through the house. They found the door to Molly’s room in the dark and slipped silently inside. They tiptoed to the bed and leaned over to look at the huddled figure under the blankets.

They ripped the blanket upwards and screamed, “Boo!”

Looking at each other they realized that Molly wasn’t in her bed. She must have gone to bed with her parents or that nanny. Silently, they all snuck back to their suites to sleep.

Kenzi climbed into the raft as Shawn boosted Molly into it and then climbed in. He attached a small motor that he’d hidden under the cliff in a small crevice and started it. They’d made a silent escape but this was far from over.

They left the cove and were on the open ocean when a helicopter picked them up and took them to safety. Molly hadn’t said a word during the entire escape and Kenzi was worried.

“Molly?” she asked touching her shoulder.

“Can you call me Janey now?” she asked crawling into Kenzi’s lap.

“I sure can. My name really is Kenzi and his is really Shawn. Are you all right?”

Janey nodded and sleepily rubbed her eyes. Within moments she was asleep and Kenzi felt like closing her eyes and succumbing to sleep too but didn’t.

“Here, eat. We’re safe, as dry as possible, and now you need something to keep you awake,” Shawn said handing her a candy bar. “We’re going to be on a plane for hours after this, Kenzi, you can sleep then.”

Kenzi sighed and rubbed her weary eyes. “Shawn this was almost too easy. The Mortimer’s should have noticed sooner than this, they should have been right after us.”

“They didn’t love her, Kenzi. They don’t have that kind of connection with her. The kidnapping they committed was too easy, too. She was taken within two feet of her mother, just like Layla was,” Shawn said sitting on the floor of the chopper next to Kenzi.

“I know but shouldn’t they have noticed she was gone. Even without love, they should have checked on her when it was storming so badly and she was so scared.”

“Kenzi, it’s almost like you wanted to confront them with the knowledge of the kidnapping. We couldn’t do that and you know it. After we get in the chopper and radio the police, they'll notify her parents and then the police will arrest the Mortimer’s.  From what Toby said it will be for more than kidnapping.”

“Maybe I did want to confront them, Shawn. Those monsters took an innocent little girl away from the people who loved her and didn’t care about her parents or her. Maybe we can go for the death penalty,” Kenzi sighed.

“More likely it will be life in a federal prison without parole for either of them since it's a federal crime to kidnap anyone and take them across state lines. They’d only get the death penalty if they’d molested, raped, and murdered her after kidnapping her, Kenzi. I know you wish the people who kidnapped Layla would die but it doesn’t matter when we don’t know if she’s alive or dead, or where she is,” Shawn said as he stretched his arms above his head.

It was closing on an hour after their pick-up when they landed at the airport. Within forty minutes

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