Secret Admirer
grandmother thing with his twins, but I was her only daughter. The whole family came to our house for dinner on Saturday night, and I loved seeing everyone. Hartford was far enough to have the space I needed to live my life, but not too far from my family.
    After debating all weekend, I broke down and told my mother about Garrett over breakfast on Sunday.
    “I don’t like you only knowing him on-line.”
    “It’s not really like that, Mom. He’s part of my new group of friends. We talk, just in a different way.” Explaining texting to her would take longer than the hour I had left at home.
    “You be safe, I worry about you all alone out there.” She waved her hands in the air. I laughed at her indicating Connecticut was off in outer space. I patted her hand. “I don’t feel alone in Hartford. I have friends, and now a date, plus a guy I drool over each morning.”
    “There’s this cute guy I see at a coffee shop every morning, we talk a bit, but nothing ever happens.”
    She hugged me for the tenth time that morning as I packed and offered her mom-mantra. “What’s meant to be will be.” She loaded my car with containers of food and a care package I could only open when I got to my apartment. The basket contained cookies, my favorite tea, perfume, and a giant bag of candy hearts. A Valentine from my mother. She had signed my dad’s name too, but I’m sure he knew nothing about the gift. Dad showed his love by servicing my car and passing on two hardcover crime books he’d recently finished.
    Once in the apartment, I did feel a bit lonely for the first time. I filled the time washing laundry. I finished folding late and was surprised to find a missed message on my phone as I prepared for bed.
    Garrett—hope you made it back safely, no need to reply, but wanted to lyk I’m thinking of you, Andressa.
    I truly felt lonely no more.

Chapter Eight
    “You’re smiling.”
    Connor hadn’t been in line when I arrived, but he was now suddenly beside me at the service station.
    I’d been in a great mood since Garrett’s text the night before. Now, I felt oddly guilty for having been caught by Connor thinking about Garrett. “I guess I am.” I realized my smile was even wider now that I had his attention.
    “You have a nice smile, I hope it lasts all day.” He walked over to the counter to order his coffee.
    I was too dumbstruck to speak so I left. With my coffee, complete with lid, in hand, I no longer had any reason to stay there.
    Our timing wasn’t quite right on Tuesday. He was leaving as I walked in, but he did the cup salute thing so at least he acknowledged me. Part of me wanted to let go of this sliver of hope I got whenever I saw him, but another part of me worried about things working out with Garrett. I never let on that I knew his name and believed I should keep it that way until after my date with Garrett.
    When my handful of hearts included not one, but two Secret Admirers in one afternoon, I took a page from Garrett’s book and texted a little tease.
    Me—Friday can’t come fast enough
    He didn’t reply, but I didn’t expect him to this time. We were playing a game of sorts. He sent one in the middle of the night.
    Garrett—sweet dreams
    I waited until morning to reply.
    Me—don’t u wish you knew what I was dreaming
    I hit send and got in my car sporting a goofy grin of self-satisfaction.
    Connor was at the service station, but his phone pinged from his pocket and he grabbed it right away. A smirk took over his face as he looked at the screen.
    A pang of unjustified jealousy ran through me. Any silly comments I could make couldn’t compete. I said a quick goodbye and left, eager to get to work and make Wednesday fly by. As I was getting in my car, I heard a ping of my own.
    Garrett—I know WHO I wish you were dreaming about
    I laughed out loud in the silence of the car and my mood instantly improved. I turned up the radio when a familiar pop song began and actually sang

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