another room and then out through a window there. Windows that are blocked, for example with boxes after a move, are avoided in favor of unblocked windows. One woman was visiting friends with her son. They slept in two different rooms in the basement. An abduction sequence began, and the aliens took her out of her bed and walked her into her son’s room. Then they took her son and walked both of them into the bathroom. She wondered why they were crowding into the bathroom and then she realized that the bathroom was the only room in the basement with a window. Soon a bright light entered and they flew out the window.
In spite of hundreds of accounts of people flying through closed windows, it is exceedingly rare to find an outside witness who has observed it. Therefore, although it sounds impossible, the physical mechanism that allows people to pass through solid objects probably renders them invisible, at least for this part of the abduction experience.
Floating can be extremely unpleasant. Many abductees experiencenausea and dizziness, compounded by their fear and confusion. As the abductee travels up, rooftops and treetops recede, and then stars come into view. During the transition upward she is only vaguely aware of her body; she may not even be able to see it. As she continues her journey, she approaches the source of the light and is floated into a UFO.
When I met Barbara Archer in 1987, she was a petite, twenty-one-year-old university student who was studying to be a journalist. She was overwhelmed with fear and anxiety when she remembered snippets of bizarre events that had dominated her life. During the course of her six hypnosis sessions with me she was able to recall vividly her extraordinary experiences. One night when she was sixteen years old, she was getting ready to go to bed when she noticed a light coming in through the window. When she closed the shade, the light continued to illuminate the entire room. She looked outside but could not see the source of the light. During a hypnosis session, she remembered what had happened in the beginning of the event. I asked her how she felt when she saw the light.
Well, I think when I first realized that the light was in my room it made me feel scared, but like I couldn’t figure it out.
So you’re puzzled?
Yeah. I should look out the other window, because I could see more of the sky. But I just didn’t…. There’s all this light still. I start to feel like, I sit there for a while and I look out the window, and then I turn around because I think that there might be somebody there. I first thought that it might be the dog. After a while I just stop looking out the window because there’s nothing there to see.
Do you sort of look back in, though, can you get the sense that… ?
Well, the light seems to be going away. It’s not filling the whole room as much anymore. When I turn around there’s somebody standing over by the closet.
Is this a big person, or a medium person, little person?
He’s smaller than me. I’m not all that shocked to see him standing there…. I think he came toward me when I was standing there by the window…. I think he touches my arm. He sort of touches me around my wrist area, between my elbow and my wrist sort of. It feels better then, I mean, I’m not scared or anything now.
When he touches your wrist, what happens next?
Well, I turn around toward the window again, the side window that I had been looking out of. I just sort of go up.
Okay. Is this through the shade?
Yes. I think I left the shade down. I don’t remember putting it up, anyway. And we just go out. Oh, I feel so dizzy…. It feels terrible.
Do you get a sense that you’re going horizontally?
No, up.
Is it straight up like an elevator, or… ?
Yes. It’s up straight.
Can you get a sense of movement, or do you just feel that you’re going up?
I feel sort of like I’m on an elevator except there’s no walls or anything around it, it’s just up
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