Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess

Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess by Jen Calonita Page A

Book: Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess by Jen Calonita Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Calonita
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understand. This had to be taken care of, Kaitlin."
    "Fine. Drop me off then," I say defiantly. "I can meet with Seth myself."
    Mom and Dad chuckle. "Sweetie, we need to be there," Mom says. "We can't have you making the wrong decision, can we? We want to make sure your next project is a blockbuster, and good for your image, and we don't think you can do that on your own. You need our guidance, Kate-Kate."
    "Thanks," I mumble. Mom can be so embarrassing sometimes. I know she's looking out for my career, but I hate when she treats me like a child. I sink into the seat feeling defeated and Ava's words echo in my head. When do I get to do what I want to do without having to ask for permission? My family doesn't know what kind of role I want. I do . Well, I might if everyone stopped hounding me long enough to let me figure it out. Suddenly I feel like I'm six again and I'm asking permission to ride my bike alone around the studio backlot. I wasn't allowed, of course. Mom was afraid I'd talk to a passing studio exec and say something silly.
    "Don't be mad," Mom says in a gentler voice. "We're trying to help." She looks at Laney. "Speaking of which, there's also another matter I wanted to discuss with you."
    "What is it?" I ask wearily.
    " Fashionistas wants to profile me in their next issue." Mom sounds excited now. "I'd have a photo shoot and they'd follow me around for a few days and do an in-depth interview. I wouldn't talk too much about you, of course, just my management duties, but Laney thought I should clear it with you before accepting." She stares at me hopefully.
    Finally something Mom needs my permission for. I'm so aggravated I want to say no on the spot, but I look at Mom's elated face. Fashionistas is a big, thick fashion bible. It's incredibly hip and read by most of Hollywood. Mom is obsessed with it. "You should do it," I tell her. "It sounds like fun."
    "Really?" Mom looks like she's about to burst. She starts punching numbers on her cell using her long fingernails. "Thank you, honey! I've got to call my trainer and add more workouts, get my hair redone, and set up an airbrush tanning appointment. The photo shoot is next week."
    At least one of us is ready for our close-up.
    Some celebrities like to be the star of every moment in their lives. They want their charity work chronicled in OK! They want their child's first baby pictures to spur a bidding war. When they have a movie, TV show, CD, or documentary to promote, they book themselves on every talk show couch that will let them warm the seat.
    As you might have noticed by now, I'm not one of those people.
    I like a rave review or an exuberant fan encounter as much as the next person, but the thought of talking about all things Kaitlin Burke at length is embarrassing.
    Needless to say, I don't spend anywhere near as much time with my agent, Seth Meyers, as Vince spends with Ari on Entourage . I like Seth well enough and I know he has my best career interests at heart (He should. I pay him practically a mortgage payment each month to guide my career.), but I guess I've always felt I didn't need Seth. I'm on a hit TV show so I don't have time to let him book me as many projects as an A-list film star or musician.
    That's all about to change, isn't it?
    When we arrive at the office building and reach Creative Connection's floor, Seth and the rest of the company are waiting for us at the elevator. I feel like a dark cloud is hanging over my head and I wonder if it shows on my face. I hope Seth doesn't know I was forced here against my will. When the agency reps see me they start to applaud. I smile sweetly and try to push my ill will aside. Seth is standing in the middle of the crowd with a huge, laser-white smile.
    If you met Seth six years ago, you wouldn't recognize him today. Seth wore Dockers and Old Navy polos and had big, brown glasses that always slid down his nose when he talked in a soft, low voice. He didn't make eye contact much, probably because his

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