Secrets of the Heart
socialise with Stella Freeman.
    `Oh, I'm not too sure yet. It rather depends on circumstances. It could be a week or two — perhaps longer.'
    Stella's green eyes narrowed and Annis realised she would have to be careful. She certainly didn't want to make an enemy of Andrew's ex-wife.
    That wouldn't help matters at all.
    Stella shrugged, murmured a goodbye, and headed off in the direction of the conference centre.
    John seemed irritated.
    `Whenever I look up, that woman seems to be peering over my shoulder! Sorry about all that, Annis.'
    `Oh, not to worry. I knew I'd run into her sooner or later,' she said more light-heartedly than she felt.
    John looked rather pointedly at his watch and, taking the hint, Annis said a hasty goodbye and hurried over to the office.
    `I've just run into Stella,' she told Sally.
    Sally bit her lip and carried on with what she was doing for a moment or two. It was as if trying to avoid the subject, thought Annis.
    `Sally, is there something else I should know? You mentioned Stella was back in Heronsbridge, but I get the distinct impression there's a bit more to it than that.'
    Sally looked anxiously at her friend
    and mumbled, 'Yes, well, I, er, told you that she lives in the village now, but I should also have said that she's been working here part-time since last October.'
    Annis sank down on the nearest chair. 'Why on earth didn't you tell me? Do you honestly think that I'd have come here if I'd known both Stella and her brother were working here?'
    `That's exactly why I didn't tell you, Annis.' Sally stopped what she was doing. 'Can't you see how difficult all this is for me? You're my closest friend and I don't want to see you get hurt all over again, but life has to move on and well, Stella felt she needed to do something, so Uncle Bryn agreed to her working here.'
    There was silence while Annis tried to calm her breathing.
    `I see. Well, I knew there were changes around here, but I'd no idea how many,' she said slowly. 'Hasn't it occurred to you that if anyone's trying to make problems for you, it could well be Stella? After all, she's pretty unscrupulous, if the past is anything to go by.'
    `Annis, I'm sorry. I can see that I ought to have told you about Stella sooner, but believe me, she's efficient at her job and we get on tolerably well. She does manage to rub John up the wrong way, and you know how good natured he is as a rule,' Sally admitted, 'but no, I honestly don't believe she's at the root of my problems.'
    Annis shrugged; her friend always wanted to believe the best of people, but she had never been a particularly good judge of character.
    `And what exactly is Stella's job?'
    `She's personal assistant to Ross,' Sally said miserably.
    Annis tried hard to keep control because she realised that Sally was in a difficult position — torn between loyalty to Bryn and the business and herself. She swallowed hard.
    `You realise this puts an entirely different complexion on things? I'm not at all sure if I can remain here now, much as I'd like to help you out. I thought long and hard about coming here in the first place, as you well know, and now that I have, I think it was probably a big mistake. You really ought to have told me about Stella. It's awkward for both of us, not just me.'
    `Yes, I can see that now.' Sally looked uncomfortable. 'Look, I'm sure you won't run into her too often. I realise all this must bring back a lot of bad memories. Stella's been away for a few days and I thought you'd have enough to cope with for the present, just being here. But please don't run away, Annis,' she said desperately. 'I need you, and Uncle Bryn does too. Stay around for a few days, for his sake, if not for mine.'
    `OK, I'll stay until the end of the week and then I'll review things. I can see the predicament you're in, Sally, and I really do want to help, but it's difficult.'
    It was now crystal clear to Annis why Ross resented her presence so much. He obviously wanted to protect

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