Seduce Me
feeling. She wasn’t going to ask. In truth, she didn’t want to know too much about him. Except for his body.
    If Fred could see her now, he’d have a heart attack. Fred thought her social life was a disaster, except for game nights. Those he loved, but her choice in men? According to Fred, she was stuck in a rut that would lead her into a terrible marriage and a lifetime of regret.
    Maybe she could somehow convince Max to take a picture of the two of them together. After they’d gotten dressed again. As proof. So Fred could take his prognostications and shove it.
    She stopped at the door to the bedroom. Max’s eyes were closed, and while his cock was still hard, it didn’t look painful any longer. Good. She wanted another round of his magic before she had to go back to the real world. The thought alone was so unlike her, she shivered.
    He turned his head and smiled at her. “I thought you got lost out there.”
    She held up the bottled water. “I was able to find my way there and back again...”
    The image of him sitting up, his bent elbows causing all kinds of wonderful things to stretch on his chest, was another Instagram moment wasted. But she’d remember it.
    They both hydrated as she got settled in bed. Before she took off his shirt, she pulled up the top sheet and covered a good portion of herself while trying not to hide much of Max.
    “You gonna take off that shirt?” he asked.
    “It smells good.”
    He put his water down and rolled over so his head was in her lap. Gripping her hips, he inhaled deeply. “You make me hungry,” he said.
    Before she’d even figured out he was being literal, he’d maneuvered himself between her legs and yanked her a good ways down the bed.
    “I haven’t even taken off your—”
    His mouth was on her, his thumbs spreading her wide, his tongue licking her open.
    She fell back, thankfully missing the headboard. Not only was the feeling unprecedented, because hell, he was enthusiastic, but it also made her want to go back to every single guy she’d been with, all four of them, and slap them right across the face, just like Loretta had in Moonstruck and oh! That was his tongue. His pointed tongue.
    In a remarkably short time she came again, hard, like the first time, and before she got her breath back, he’d donned a condom and was leaning over her, one hand by her left ear, bracing himself as he filled her. The angle made his cock rub against her astonishingly sensitive clit and she spasmed. Again.
    “Open your eyes,” he said, the words constricted behind his clenched teeth.
    She hadn’t realized she’d closed them.
    He was right above her, staring, his face flushed, beads of sweat dotting his brow. It shocked her, how close, how intense, how naked she felt. It was tempting to turn away, but she couldn’t. She could barely blink.
    Another shock hit her system and she brought her legs up to curl around his slim hips.
    “That’s it,” he said, lifting them a bit higher with his right hand. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it? You’re hungry for it. I can feel you milking my cock. Don’t worry,” he said, the words almost lost on a gasp. “You’re not done.” His thrusts grew deeper and faster, pushing her whole body up the bed. “Come on. I want to see it. Don’t close your eyes. Please. Let me watch.”
    She couldn’t obey him. It was too much. The rub wasn’t there every time, which made each time it appeared more powerful. People weren’t meant to have this much sensation with their eyes open. But when she closed them, when she cried out so loudly it shocked her, he bent down and kissed her. Fast and deep. “Open them, now, Natalie,” he said. “Now, because I can feel you getting ready. Your legs and your hips are getting so tense you’ll break me in half. That’s what I want. Do it,” he said, grinding into her. “Come for me. Now. Now.”
    She shattered. It was as if every part of her was connected to a trigger that had just been

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