Seduce Me
pulled. Her mouth opened on a silent scream as she contorted into a shape she didn’t recognize.
    “That’s it. God, that’s gorgeous,” he said as he went harder, faster.
    She opened her eyes again, barely able to see between the white spots in her vision. But his face. Exquisite agony. A low moan built and built until finally he slammed into her and froze. His breath, the air around them, the city. Everything stopped as he came, and she trembled through another quake, an awakening.

    N ATALIE RISING BROUGHT Max out of his stupor. He liked the view as she shifted to sit on the edge of the bed, the top sheet held to her chest. Her pale back looked as soft as it felt, but she was so still he resisted touching her.
    When she stood, leaving the sheet behind, the view was even better. He could still feel her waist beneath his hands, her firm bottom. He’d wait until she got back from the bathroom to take care of his own business, and then ask her if she wanted to have some cheesecake and milk. Satisfying one hunger had awakened another, and there was every chance the circle could continue after refreshments.
    Then she picked up her dress. And her bra. No panties to worry about, which still shocked the hell out of him, but more important, she was getting ready to leave. “Hey,” he said.
    She jumped a little, now using her dress to cover herself. “I thought you were asleep.”
    “Nope. Awake and hungry. You know, you don’t have to leave this minute. I was going to bring you a piece of cheesecake.”
    “Sounds yummy,” she said, “but I need to go.”
    “Don’t tell me you have to work tomorrow. It’s Saturday.”
    “I do have to. But not until the afternoon. I don’t have work days like most people. Officially I take Tuesdays and Thursdays off, and every other Saturday. But that changes almost weekly due to conferences and local events.”
    “Ah. You must really like what you do.” He threw back his part of the sheet. “I’ll take you down.”
    “Don’t bother. Honestly. I’m just going to walk over to Broadway and catch a cab.”
    “Yeah,” he said, not rolling his eyes, but wanting to. “It’s almost two a.m. No way you’re walking by yourself.”
    She lowered her lashes as she smiled. “Thank you. That’s very gallant.”
    His laugh was more like a bark than he’d care to admit. “Now there’s something I’ve never been accused of before.”
    Awkwardly keeping herself mostly facing him, she moved toward his bathroom. Before she disappeared, she paused. Sadly, all he could see was her head and one shoulder. “You think being gallant is a bad thing?”
    “Not at all. That’s what counts for humor at two in the morning. I would like to believe that it’s not gallantry so much as common courtesy. I’d hate to see anything happen to you.”
    “That’s nice. Not that many people are courteous these days. I’ll be out in a sec.”
    The door closed and he got up, stretching extravagantly. He pulled out his most comfortable jeans and his Northwestern University sweatshirt. He wouldn’t dress until he’d washed up, but with the addition of a pair of socks, he was prepared. He would have preferred putting her into a cab, but the walk wasn’t a big deal.
    She came out looking pretty damn great. Her hair wasn’t as neat, but that was a good look on her.
    By the time they were ready to leave, she’d made him put half the cheesecake in his fridge and taken the rest in the box. She accepted the loan of his leather jacket, and then they were outside, the air cool but not uncomfortable.
    “Tonight was fun,” she said, as they headed for Lafayette. “Unexpected and very educational.”
    “I’m glad,” he said, walking just close enough that they almost touched shoulders. He liked New York at this time of the morning. It wasn’t quiet, not by any means, but it was subdued for downtown. The bars hadn’t closed yet, but honking wasn’t allowed anymore so the never-ending traffic wasn’t

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