Seduced by a Rogue

Seduced by a Rogue by Amanda Scott

Book: Seduced by a Rogue by Amanda Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Scott
Tags: FIC027050
over and over how I’ve disappointed him again, I am returning to Trailinghail,
     where much work still awaits me.”
    “Your grandfather did not leave Trailinghail to you so that you could bolt off there whenever you quarrel with Alex,” she
     said austerely.
    Taken aback, Rob said, “Is that what you think I do? He said the same.”
    Lady Kelso grimaced. “Alex behaves badly whenever he feels inadequate to a task, my dear. He grows chilly and carps to distance
     himself. You distance yourself in more physical ways. I did
mean to imply that you are cowardly, for you are nowt o’ the sort, as your grandfather might have said.”
    “Thank you for
much, madam.”
    She said dryly, “You almost manage the high tone, my dear. But you’ve not had nearly enough practice to carry it off with
     me. Where was I?”
    “I distance myself physically; Alex gets icy.”
    “My point is that, thanks to his being nearly fifteen years older than you are, you and he have never learned to talk to each
     other as brothers, let alone as friends. The fact is, Rob, that Alex had too much responsibility thrust upon him at too young
     an age. Had he been even as old as you are now when your father died—or had your grandfather and I lived nearby at the time,
     instead of in Stirling—he might have managed you more deftly.”
    “What’s past is past and cannot be changed, Gran. But when he treats me as if I were still a bairn, as he did just now—”
    “You’re a grown man, aye, but the troubles between you are as much your fault as his,” she said bluntly. “As much as he needs
     to learn that you are a strong and capable man,
need to try to understand his position. Moreover, you have a duty to aid him all you can. Instead of riding off in a pelter,
     you would do better to stay and talk it out with him.”
    “Nay, I’ll not do that, for there is no talking to him now. He sent me to do the impossible because he wants what he wants
     and expects that if he cannot do it, someone else will do it for him—somehow. Mayhap someone else could. But, given the situation
     in Annandale, I doubt it.”
    With a wry smile, she said, “I believe you. I was born there, as you know. We left soon afterward, but I’ve heard much about
     the independent nature of the dale.”
    “Even so, he blames me entirely for the failure. And I have more important things to do than to stay and attempt more of the
    “Very well, you do know your own mind best,” Lady Kelso said. “But prithee, do not fling off in a temper. Bid Cassia a kind
     adieu if only because you do not want to make it difficult for her to receive you when you return, as you will. Also, I have
     some things I want to send with you to Trailinghail. So, go now and make your adieux whilst I collect them. I will meet you
     in the yard.”
    Wondering what she could be fetching that she could not order a minion to fetch for her, and why she would go out to the yard
     just as the household was about to sit down to its midday meal, Rob nevertheless knew better than to ask. Instead, he bowed
     and went to bid Cassandra and Sawny good-bye.
    Alex stepped onto the dais as Rob was leaving them, and asked curtly if he meant to go without dining.
    “Aye, for there will be no moon tonight and it may rain again,” Rob replied. “Even if it does not, darkness will fall long
     before we reach the tower.”
    Alex nodded and turned away, his jaw tight.
    “Safe journey, Uncle Rob!” wee Sawny called from his place by his mother.
    Rob waved, noting as he did that although Alex glanced toward the boy, he did not call him to order.
    Nor did he send him from the table.

Chapter 4
    W ithout further delay, Rob went out to find gillies saddling fresh horses for him and for the other men from Trailinghail.
     His lads were tying bundles to their saddles, provisions for the journey. So he waited patiently for his grandmother.
    She appeared some minutes later with a basket in hand.

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